
Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by furrymig, August 14, 2013.

  1. furrymig

    furrymig New Member

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    Where would I go to make a game suggestion? I donated a lot of money for the alpha access and planet naming and stuff, I feel like the two ideas I have for the game should at least be heard, but I'm not sure this is the right place to do it. If I'm already in the right place, I'll post the ideas here...

    First of all, No shield generators? No problem, as long as the construction aircraft can perform their old "Repair Patrol" abilities. This brings me to my suggestion:

    A "Priority" switch. A small switch you can turn on and off for construction aircraft, and perhaps other building/repairing units.

    When turned off, when the patrolling repairer/builder unit encounters a damaged unit/structure, It stops and repairs it back to full health, regardless of how little or massive the damage to the unit or building is.

    When turned on, the patrolling repairer/builder unit will ignore any unit/building that still has, say, more than 50% or 60% of their health left? this means in a tense moment, the repairer will focus on repairing the more heavily damaged units/buildings, keeping them running when under heavy attack, rather than wasting time repainting and buffing out dents on units that don't need serious repairs just yet.

    I actually think this might be a feasible concept.

    My next suggestion is purely cosmetic, something to make the planets feel more "alive". I'm not suggesting weather or critters that require extra rendering, but how about when trees are destroyed or reclaimed with the forest, little animals scatter and hide from the big machines taking away their forests! Should be pretty easy to create without more processor usage, or could be turned off entirely. And how about a whale or two in the larger oceans?

    These are my two suggestions. I just hope somebody reads them...
  2. zaphodx

    zaphodx Post Master General

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  3. iampetard

    iampetard Active Member

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    Whales? What are you a little girl? Dragons and megalodons yes please!
  4. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    But... what about space whales..?
    Space. Whales.
    mkrater likes this.
  5. cwarner7264

    cwarner7264 Moderator Alumni

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  6. furrymig

    furrymig New Member

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    More interested in getting the priority switch than any kind of whales ^.^;
  7. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    I really think you are on to something with this whole whales idea. :p

    And if repair speed is a problem shouldn't you just build more fabbers to patrol the route?
  8. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    why not? maybe not on release but later patches?
  9. furrymig

    furrymig New Member

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    Well, this confirms all my fears.

    This was a massive waste of money... I should have known Tourney Tards would be the primary funder of a game like this, a game this important.

    Chris Taylor would be ashamed.

    But for the sake of argument:

    "Why don't you build more fabbers?"

    Because there is a UNIT CAP, and I cannot AFFORD more fabbers, especially in the heat of battle and I can only afford to keep my turrets online via repairs!

    You people make me sick, taking a sensible idea and instead focusing on SPACE WHALES.
  10. zaphodx

    zaphodx Post Master General

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    Also there is no unit cap.
    igncom1 likes this.
  11. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    There's a unit cap?

    Since when?
  12. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    What even is a 'Tourney Tard' anyway?
  13. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    Ok seriously now furrymig, you probably shouldn't blow up like that. Repair Patrol has been consistently present in RTSs of the Total Annihilation subgenre with TA having the F.A.R.K and Construction Aircraft, and SupCom having dedicated buildings that repaired and assisted anything within their reach.

    It's going to be in. We all knew it would be in. Your priority system shouldn't be a toggle, it should be part of the unit's AI and turned on at all times while units patrol around your base. Issuing a right-click repair command overrides that behaviour and your units would heal whatever you told it to first, then revert back to its AI priorities.

    What you're suggesting isn't something that's not been suggested before. If you'd have used the search function on the word Repair you'd have known that.

    So we're having a little fun talking about Space Whales... because there's nothing more to discuss about repair patrols at this point.
  14. tripper

    tripper Active Member

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    Am I too late for my space whale?
  15. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    A "tourney tard", as furrymig so eloquently puts it, is the guy that pushes the game's limits and figures out what actually works. They're the first people to break things, which is a very important thing to have in the testing phase. They can also be very self serving and have bad ideas on how to solve certain problems, but that comes with most game testers as is. Finding the problems is the toughest part.

    The Cybranosaurus Rex didn't pan out too well in Supcom2. I don't think another gigantic animal-ship is going to fare better. Great picture, though.
  16. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    Having entirely far too much information rattling around in my head about Warhammer 40k helps when you want to suddenly think about Void Whales.
  17. ovecarleone

    ovecarleone New Member

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    That picture about that "Space Whale" made me laugh. :D

    But is it right to make fun about anothers idea before explaining him that this was once allready suggested? It's normal that he'll get mad about everything and everyone. Nanolathe was the only one polite enough to explain him that... but a bit late ... who knows if he's even reading the posts after that rage ... :eek:
  18. furrymig

    furrymig New Member

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    I really shouldn't use my computer when I lose my temper. Let me apologize for that, Nothing is sacred when I lose my temper...

    But A lot of times, playing classic TA or even Supreme Commander, there was a time I wished my repair patrol fabbers would ignore things with dents and focus on repairs on things that badly need it. in classic TA, I would build over 100 construction aircraft [I used mods to increase the unit cap] and just have them repair patrol, and badly damaged turrets and factories were STILL ignored while my repair patrol aircraft were trying to repaint the scratched up SAM site.

    If it has already been suggested and rejected, I'm sorry for repeating this...

    But either way it's no excuse for how I acted, and I apologize for that.

    Next time I do something like that, Ban me for a few weeks >.o

    Also if you want me to delete the post, I will...

    Also, there's NOT going to be a unit cap!? AWESOME!!!!!! *Does the happy dance*

    And by "Tourney Tards" I mean the kind of people who say "Only SCRUBS use ITEMS." People who deliberately limit their gameplay experience in the name of being "Good".
    This video helps explain it:
  19. mushroomars

    mushroomars Well-Known Member

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    >Void Whales
    >First thought is Slaaneshi whale

    **** my brain.

    Anyways, this is the kind of thing that could hopefully be done with an AI. Units are expected to have a modicum of AI, as well as a scripting language with which we can build "extra" AI into them. What would be really cool is if players could actually set up their own "micros" (as opposed to macros) within units, allowing players to actually program their army to do things they would like it to do. For example, I personally would like my T2 Engineers to automatically upgrade my T1 Mexes, as I always forget to.

    But I'm going off topic and asking for a lot. When Beta comes around I think I'll pester Uber about unit micro scripts.
  20. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    furrymig There's not CURRENTLY a unit cap, read. there will be on realease. maybe it'll be a million. all depending. the million has been mentioned. but right now you can crash the server at will if you graphic card can handle enough models to do so first. Also the AI needs to be pretty darn tight to be able to set 'priorities' on repair and in a flexible zone. this is probably not something that could be done in the age of TA.
    As for your definition of "Tourney Tards" I am sad to inform you, it is out of context, it does not apply to RTS, E sport RTS is played on vanilla, that is the end product, last update to date, sometimes can be beta patch. So the full content of the game. PA is probably going to be different as it will finally be possible because of the mod system to be able to have modded E-sports. In RTS there is no need to flatten things out for fairness because contrary to such things as Plastation all star battle royale (I know not a good example but that is kinda on purpose) RTSes are generally actually balanced.

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