I visited http://uberent.com/launcher/padownloads to download the latest version and got an error: I visited http://store.uberent.com, and my key is linked to my steam account. It says: I have installed steam and downloaded the game, but when I click "Play" (on steam), absolutely nothing happens. I don't really care about the game working (or not working) with steam, the real problem is that I can no longer download the standalone version. What can I do? My Ubernet account has been linked to the steam account I created. Any hints?
Run steam though console and check it's output when you run game. Or check log files in "~/.local/Uber Entertainment/Planetary Annihilation/log". Try to re-link accounts again.
/home/hugo/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Planetary Annihilation/PA: /usr/lib/libcurl.so.4: version `CURL_OPENSSL_3' not found (required by /home/hugo/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Planetary Annihilation/PA) Same error I had with the old launcher I still had around. But that's a separate issue and I'll start looking into that. That did it - although I had already re-linked once - I guess the third one's the charm!
Stupid me, Google is your friend https://uberent.com/user/linkedsteamaccount [SPOILERTHATISNTWORKING]So, what do you mean by re-linking the accounts? I just did a convert to steamkey as it said I would still be able to play through the launcher (I thought, heck, why not also have it on Steam). But, I can't, it tells me the key is invalid when I try to activate it in the launcher. I did activate it in Steam ofcourse, but I haven't installed it through Steam yet. It would take ages on my current connection. Or, have I totally misunderstood the whole thing? Is it a Steam only key now? If so, I'll have to contact the support and undo this.[/SPOILERTHATISNTWORKING]
http://www.uberent.com/pa/faq/ 3rd question: "Getting Keys, Playing the Game" I'd link you to the question anchor, but there are no anchors on that page. Short answer, you have to install and play it on Steam once which links your account, or manually link your account. See the FAQ for more info.
Once a key has been converted into a Steam code, it can not be reverted back But definitely go here https://uberent.com/user/linkedsteamaccount and make sure your Steam and UberNet accounts are linked.