I was going to try to steam today, but all I get in OBS using game capture is a black screen and mouse cursor with the occasional flicker. The game does the same thing while I am previewing the stream, just a black screen (with the occasional flicker) and the mouse cursor. Is it a problem with a recent OBS update, because it used to work fine.
It's working fine for me. Well, the preview shows fine, and I can stream to a file. I don't know about actual live streaming. It downloaded some plugins last night, and I've got v0.552b, so everything should be up to date.
https://obsproject.com/faq http://gaming.stackexchange.com/que...-open-broadcaster-software-gives-black-screen Seems like OBS doesn't like streaming fullscreen games. Are you trying to stream PA with the fullscreen fix?
Yeah, so I had this issue too. The easiest fix is to use the window capture mode with the "internal window" option only.
I use OBS to record - if you use AutoHotKey or similar to set up a fullscreen windowed mode, it works as if you were recording a window, which it can and does do.
Oh boy and I thought the black screen with the occasional flicker is because am using BETA videodrivers... Thx for all the solutions!
Had the same thing trying to record pa a game window........ No "fullscreen" fix EDIT: no dice with "capture window". And it doesn't even show up on the game window panel. EDIT 2: even running OBS as admin simply allows me to add PA as a gamewindow (WTF? Admin? Really?) but does the whole flickering thing. Capture window still = blackness. I've even tried compatibility mode on the capture window settings. Streaming the whole monitor, and using a rectangle selection to leave out the app's bar and the taskbar works. not elegant, since aero kills fps, but works........... any other ideas?
Actually my fix isn't real fullscreen, it's just borderless window, so it's shouldn't make any difference for streaming software.
I have tried everything I could find via Google and the OBS site, still no joy. Worked a couple of months ago, but not anymore. Window capture wont work either. Maybe if I go back and download an older version of OBS. OBS v0.552b PA windowed mode Radeon HD 5770 w/ Catalyst 13.4
Have you tried 13.8 Beta? Also your issue looks same known Linux issue related to VSync, might be you can try different vertical refresh settings in CCC? I actually can check it under Windows 7 in few hours, but I got 6XXX card.
Tried 13.8 and all of the various VSync settings. No change. Guess I just have to wait for an OBS update.
I have a 5770 and 13.8 beta as well, no chance... OBS worked 2 updates ago (for me). Ok working again, used this version: http://sourceforge.net/projects/obsproject/files/OBS_0_551b_Installer.exe/download
What you want to use is Monitor capture or Window capture not Game capture. Game capture is quite buggy cause it relies on the .exe and since PA is alpha.. well it might cause trouble. I use monitor capture in compatibility mode with the new required settings from Twitch (OBS updated guide) It works without any issues.
Window capture did not work and monitor capture is supposed to not be used for games because it does not perform as well. The downgrade to version 0.551b worked, so it is a problem with the newer versions of OBS.
I've been using OBS with monitor capture and enabled Windows Aero all the time, it works fine. Sure it is laggy, but PA is laggy anyway. I.e. capturing FA works just fine even when capturing the full monitor. So I dont think it is that much of a problem to use full monitor capture?
Well, it has a list of what OBS can "game capture" if you run OBS in admin mode. PA was one of them. Along with some others. As for window capture, strangely it works with OC_Guru's monitoring panel, AI Suite's temp monitors, Process Explorer's system info gpu window, and windows task manager, but not PA. As you can see, window capture does weird things. I've logged in, but OBS still shows the initial PA accept/decline screen. The cap of this thread is from me testing window capture on chrome, scrolling up/down the page.
Weird stuff :S Monitor capture works great for me, game capture never worked as good. For PA forced fullscreen with monitor capture is the best way that I managed to stream and record. Once PA has properly scalable interface and resolutions I guess windowed 720p will be preferred, by then I trust OBS will fix their ****
I've been having this ever since launch in June - anytime I launch the game it flickers in all menus except when I'm starting a game, or in planet editor. I normally don't start the stream until then just to avoid the flickering or blank screen. I have no idea what causes this. Any thoughts or fix would be great. I'm streaming from 1920 x 1080 monitor - windowed but full monitor.