I don't know if this has been mentioned elsewhere, but I'd think it would be great if we didn't have to micro wreckage reclamation. I think structure placement should not be impaired by wreckage. Structure placement should have an implicit mode of reclaiming any wreckage that is in the way of structure build. So, for example, right now, when I need to go replace some destroyed mass extractors, I shouldn't need to mark reclaim and then wait for the fab unit to do its job and then queue up the build. I'd rather be able to queue my fab units up to go build all the new mass extractors and what ever else over any existing wreckage. The fab units move in to do their job - first remove the wreckage, then build the structure. Make sense?
Do engineers automatically reclaim wreckage when sent to patrol? If not this would be a welcome addition as well.
Yea it was like this in SC was it not? I thought they took it one step further and made it so that if you wanted to replace a building that had been destroyed it would start of part built... I'm not sure about that last bit but this is a real must for speeding up gameplay. +1
Since I'm in love with area commands, I actually want something to tell engineers to just rebuild stuff that got destroyed with a few simple mouse clicks. I often can't remember what I had exactly in one spot and doing the careful placing again in late game is just annoying.
I think this will be implemented in the future. Right now, you cannot reclaim trees or rocks for enery/mass. The same goes with debris sticking out of the factory, once you built it on rocks or trees... all this will come soon... just a feature not implemented, yet.
How about an option to resurrect buildings and units. It uses the same amount of energy but a fraction of the metal cost. It would be nice to see something like this on top of OPs suggestion.
This was in Supreme Commander 2, and it was a great feature. Unfortunately you had to line up the structure directly over the wreckage. But yes, it would start half-built, and I think it only cost half the resources as well. I would love to see this in Planetary Annihilation, as long as it's more lenient about placing the new structure over the wreckage.
would also be nice to be able to click and drag a box of buildings instead of lining them up and doing 1 by 1. The autosnap feature helps a bit but it has some issues too.
Agree with all these: reclaim if a wreck is on top of the target building location, dragging a line/grid of structures (eg power plants), and the idea of rebuilding dead things in a region to reuse most of their metal would be great.
Agree with this and your original idea. It just adds annoyance, and not skill. Would be a great candidate for a bit of automation.
I agree, the construction of the building should have a function to slowly reclaim while building over top, so as you build the reclaim is added to economy at same rate you build, both done in same time period. EXPANDING THIS IDEA, to further decrease reclaim micro, if your units are set to reclaim something, instead of having to do it when your eco doesn't need the metal, they should reclaim only as your economy has room for metal. So, they set ready to reclaim but don't if there is no metal room, and once the economy for metal is half empty or more the reclaiming starts, as to not waste it on an economy without need for metal or making you micro on it only when low. Before thinking on these ideas, I honestly thought reclaim was not such a great feature, but this could make it better (not perfect imho).
damn the new forums double post. Since this is here, I'm going to use it to say i also like the idea of rebuilding on wreckage starting you off with the building being prebuilt by the value of the wreckage.