About Lavaplanets, "<" and the stupidy of super-advanced robots, Keep logged in

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by ohhhshiny, August 18, 2013.

  1. ohhhshiny

    ohhhshiny Active Member

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    I made this suggestion already in the old forum, but it didnt make it to the new, mby because i posted it the day before we got the new forum.

    My idea for Lavaplanets would be, that, depending on the distance to the sun, parts of the planets break and drop into the lava ocean, and parts of lava become black and then walkable/buildable ground with some safe zones, making the lavaplanet very special and in need of different strategies

    I want that ingame, not that stupid arrow, how am i suppost to post hearts when theres just an arrow <3

    Super - advanced-robots
    i think the path finding gets worse with every patch, my worker keep getting stucked to every building they need to walk around, last round like 30 of t1 bots walked straight into the opposite direction when i told em to move, moving to a spot like couple meters in the opposite direction, and then walking 2 by 2 in the right direction. Wtf?
    And i dont get why super-advanced robots are not able to predict the movement of a unit and shoot where this unit will be when the missle / laser / whatever hits, but straight shoot to the point where units are right now.

    I want the old sys back where i keep logged in, even though i dont like that design of the Forum anyway.
    Check out the Blizzard forums, they keep it simple too, because its best that way.
  2. neptunio

    neptunio Active Member

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    I really like the idea of a tectonically super-charged planet for the lava worlds. It would certainly make it interesting if you lost half your base into the lava ocean! (I guess you would need some kind of advanced warning where was going to drop next, like a visual gradual decay of the ground before it finally cracks up and descends, otherwise peoples coms would just die etc.)

    Obviously the pathing is not what its going to be, and I'm sure the devs are aware of the points you've brought up already.
  3. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    this is very interesting because it makes the lava planets strategically different from a regular planet. A similar strategical differentiation is being shaped out with the metal planets in this thread : https://forums.uberent.com/threads/metal-planet-with-rotation.50699/ Metal, Lava and Gaz planets are really starting to take shape. It would be a shame if they were planets that just looked different and not planets that actually played differently.
    this can be answered by alpha. the units are a bit more responsive simply they still do not have correct cost fields the cost fields are in too much of a gradient and not a simple black and white, they currently "feel" stuck when trying to get through two structures or two crevases that are a bit close when they do have the room to get through simply because the cost field radiates out too much. also currently there is no cost for a structure being built so units will get stuck in those.
    I posted about this in another thread apparently it will be fixed?
  4. ohhhshiny

    ohhhshiny Active Member

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    I've given some thought, if something like that would be implemented, or general with special planets, there should be a message with "Tectonical Movement on Planet XY" - you u dont have to check like every 5 minutes on a planet to see if something is happening

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