Just a quicky: will a standalone server require a separate game key? (If yes, then I have another reason to pledge a couple of keys more And of course, I do hope that we will be able to run that standalone server on a Linux box (preferably using Debianized packages); I am sure going to set up a box for that
Re: Standalone Server - will that require a separate gamekey Standalone server won't need any account or key I hope. The purpose is just to add into the pool of usable servers and should just broadcast it's ip and port and relevant game info. Also have a config or online (authenticated mode) which will make it public, and offline mode (private, direct connect, LAN only)
Re: Standalone Server - will that require a separate gamekey Same system as Valve uses with their SRCDS I guess, everyone can host a server if he wants to, no limitations, the only thing that happens in terms in authentication is probably the registration to the master server.
Re: Standalone Server - will that require a separate gamekey It won't require a separate key. We want people to run servers, right?
Re: Standalone Server - will that require a separate gamekey However, if you feel we should make you buy extra keys for servers feel free to add to your pledge. Shall we say one extra copy of the game for every client that connects to it, like many commercial server systems do...
Re: Standalone Server - will that require a separate gamekey That was annoying with Section 8 Prejudice, it ran on GfWL and because of that, if you wanted to run your own server, you had to buy an extra copy and set up an extra GfWL login
Re: Standalone Server - will that require a separate gamekey Cool, then in counter I pledge to run a server Likely hostname: planeterary.unfix.org (which due to cpu time etc costs more than several license keys especially due to the returning fee for bandwidth etc) * I am trying to justify more to pledge in the kickstarter, but ... just can't yet.
As a follow-up to what I wrote back 2 years ago: That is planet.unfix.org, as can be found in https://pa-stats/servers that is till the official Dedicated Server code comes out, then it will swap over to that of course. And in the end that meant the PA game box edition and two 2 extra game keys, need to play with others, and some folks can't bother with CCs.