I stopped playing for a long time, and I bought PA before it was released on steam. the wizard runs successfully, but when I run the launcher it opens a violet screen of the same size as it was when it worked. things I have already tried: re-running the wizard, uninstalling and re-running the wizard, and clicking on the the window to see if it has any buttons (it doesn't)
I currently have the exact same issue. My OS is win 10 my GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 (Laptop GPU) CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
On my older laptop I have to direct the game to use the integrated GPU to get around the purple screen. This allows me to verify game files to get the latest build. To run using the dedicated GPU I launch PA.exe directly and log in from the main menu. The support team is no longer supporting the PA Launcher. If you wish to convert your game to Steam: How do I link my Steam account to my PA account? https://support.planetaryannihilation.com/kb/faq.php?id=63 How do I convert my game key into a Steam key? https://support.planetaryannihilation.com/kb/faq.php?id=60 I own classic Planetary Annihilation outside of Steam. How do I upgrade to TITANS? https://support.planetaryannihilation.com/kb/faq.php?id=237