Hi I absolutely don't like the standard textures of the units, because they only look a bit two-colored. I even think about creating own textures... In past, I enjoyed the textures of Total Annihilation. But i dislike the textures of Supreme Commander... are there arternative texture packs available? Or is someone already working on alternative textures?
I don't think anyone is working on a texture pack ATM... you could give it a go though! the textures are just image files.
I am trying again to get back to the texture thing. Last time, I tried to use the papa tool to export the textures in order to edit them. But it looks like this tool does not has this option. Then I tried to use blender + the papa addon to load the units. It worked, but I cant see any textures, nor can I export textures. Does anyone know exactly what to do to extract and edit the texture graphics?
Use PAPA texture editor to extract game textures. To repack them, you need to use the papatran utility in your game files.
I tried three variants of papatran call, but it didn't work. - What do I have to put as content root parameter? - What is a resource-root setting and how to "fix this"? What I tried: ./papatran -o /home/surf/Desktop/texturing/tank_aeson/tank_aeson_diffuse.papa /home/surf/Desktop/texturing/tank_aeson/tank_aeson_diffuse.png /home/surf/Desktop/texturing/tank_aeson/tank_aeson_diffuse.png: could not find resource-root setting 1 error ./papatran -o /home/surf/Desktop/texturing/tank_aeson/tank_aeson_diffuse.papa --content-root /pa/units/commanders/tank_aeson/ /home/surf/Desktop/texturing/tank_aeson/tank_aeson_diffuse.png /home/surf/Desktop/texturing/tank_aeson/tank_aeson_diffuse.png: could not find resource-root setting 1 error ./papatran --content-root /home/surf/Desktop/texturing/tank_aeson -o /home/surf/Desktop/texturing/tank_aeson/tank_aeson_diffuse.papa /home/surf/Desktop/texturing/tank_aeson/tank_aeson_diffuse.png /home/surf/Desktop/texturing/tank_aeson/tank_aeson_diffuse.png: could not find resource-root setting
Put a default.settings file in the same directory as the output papa's location. You can find an example in the game's /media/pa/ folder.
Some texture experiments... - Golden reflecting metal - blue noise as pseudo texture Doing some further experiment to find a style... Thinking about colorizing the units by their techlevel. t1: bright brown t2: silver t3: gold or blue player primary and secondary color will be drastically reduced...
Some more noise test... a bit too noisy and noise on wrong surfaces, but right direction, imho. comments?
okay, what about this? Some mistakes in texture, but first serious try. Some new texture area, but still not enough. I like the soft noise. But the noise at the triangle edges at commander head are way too noisy. I think I will give the unit these colors: Comments?
I know, that I probably won't be able to create real good looking textures. Look the picture above. I tried. But the only thing that looks good, is the top side of the robots head. I mean the air openings at the head. All other is bad. Two reasons: - I edited the textures only with Gimp. I got one problem with mask which cannot be solved directly in gimp. Wont get into details here. Would have been way too much work to edit all this. - I am not very creative with textures. I only have rough ideas. My stuff looks too painted and 3d-ish enough. And so the textures wont become better. The standard textures are better then. Now I found this software: http://neotextureedit.sourceforge.net/usage.html Downloaded it now. Now I need to motivate myself to use it. Its procedual texture generation. Maybe I could write some conditions. So the texture modifies the standard textures by some rules. For example, plain big areas of Primary-Player-Color is converted to large Metal-Texture.
Motivation, eh? I can come back here in a month and personally mock you if you haven't updated the thread with new textures if you want?
I never really found a more artistic way to do textures with legion. I tried the metal texture which was later removed (not by me). Example of the old, much better legion t2 bot factory: The nature of the models requires very few textures. You can't really color one face a different color without using more storage space, and using more art time.
Soooo.... you have failed us...! Even with the impending mocking that you knew was coming. So now I have to mock you somehow. Here goes: Uhm.. you have funny hair! Well, I assume, I don't actually know what you look like, but I'm sure it's funny-looking! Anyway, get to work, you lazy bum!
Oh yes, i were in holidays. now... first a bit PA gaming.... anyway, at least in meanwhile I created the promised biome mod and i coded a new computer game. Next is to fix the biom mod and to publish it... yeah and i did some texture generation in holidays, but that was a extreme fail... only problems with floating points, radius, distance calculating stuff. at the end the picture greys out... experts said the only way to fix this is to use a integral stuff. dont know. its mathematicall stuff... more experiments required... btw the existing texture software is bugged. need to fix it. also for a friend's need. Edit: Indeed i have funny hair and your picture is quite accurate!