heyo, looking to start playing again a bit. How active is the ladder now adays? From what I can gather it still seems mostly Euro time zone? I see a few familiar names on the ladder top 10's but also a lot of new ones! Anyone doing regular 1v1 matches?
Most Ubers play like 1 ranked game a month to stay ranked, and that's it kek. River maintains a ladder at http://river.flubbateios.com/ that considers more than just the games in 1v1 ranked, iirc.
Yeah most of the top players only play the ladder occasionally. We usually use the Discord group to organize 1v1s.
Btw I don't think anyone does super regular matches but there's always players trying to find a game, at least from my recent experience. Whether they match skill levels is another story.
Ey my boys. The 1v1 scene as far as I know is still active but the main issue is that there are some scrubs that don't belong in uber! it's time to make things right!!!
I think the ladder would be much as you left it, most active in EU evenings/US afternoons, with a game generally available, but no guarantee that they'll be at your level. The existence of community Discord, and Community Chat now being standard for all players, does make it easier to line up a ranked game though.
Several active high tier ubers who kick ***, but all follow 1 out of 2-3 styles of play, which makes the meta a bit stagnant. But the only way to see is to get a taste yourself Also @andreasgg has reappeared in 1v1 and I cant wait to whoop the dust off a few maps with his lifeless body (or vise versa)
Yes, given the low player count of PA (relative to big online games) the meta is always just waiting for someone to realise we've got it all wrong.
Yeah I think all air needs to be a meta cause it is really good. I have also been playing around with more tier 1 than tier 2 and actually tier 1 still has a purpose because with tier 2 units it is hard to get up the numbers so you need tier 1 to give a little more to the numbers. this way the tier 2 units last longer to deal their damage. but late game the meta is almost all tier 2