[17:02:41.198] ERROR [JS/IconAtlas] :1: Uncaught TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method '_trigger' [17:02:41.198] ERROR [JS/SpecialIconAtlas] :1: Uncaught TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method '_trigger'
No, those are always there and harmless. Post your logs here with the "Upload a File" button on this forum. See https://wiki.palobby.com/wiki/Main_Page#Reporting_Issues for details on where to find those.
Thanks! So from your hwinfo.txt it looks like CoherentUI_Host is crashing, which is the process that is responsible for drawing the UI. That would explain the black screen. It might be a library issue. Can you open a terminal, go to "~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Planetary Annihilation" and run PA from the command-line there? That will start Planetary Annihilation outside of the Steam runtime libraries, so it will use your more up-to-date system libraries. It won't log you in so you can't do on-line play, but this is just meant for testing.
Same blank screen. FYI I am running in an ubuntu lxc container. When run from steam, the splash and mod load screens work, but then it goes blank with the correct game cursor.
I had a similar problem when I reloaded PA on my new PC. This link applied to me: https://wiki.palobby.com/wiki/TV_Output_Flashes_Black_in_Full_Screen Since I'm playing at a non-standard resolution, I stay in windowed mode for now.
That did _not_ fix the issue. However, deleting everything under .local and starting again from Vehicle Commander layout, did. But I still cannot actually play a game, as although the CoherentUI and Galactic Map are OK, the actual game UI does not finish loading.
If you move your mouse over where the UI should be, does it appear then? I've had those issues when running PA using primusrun. Failing that, does starting PA with --software-ui do anything for you?