A custom skybox that places your system in the center of the Milky Way galaxy. https://github.com/Lula-Mae/com.pa.lulamae.milkyway-skybox/archive/master.zip
Not yet. I'm stepping through/learning the processes. From https://wiki.palobby.com/wiki/Creating_Your_First_Planetary_Annihilation_Mod It says "New mod submissions are currently offline until a new server is available." But if I understand correctly, since the zip file is on my own domain, my next step would be to start a thread in the "Released Mods" forum, update the modinfo.json file with that link, upload the updated .zip file, then email mikeyh the url, yes? If I'm satisfied with future custom skyboxes, would it be OK to go straight to "released" status?
Latest version of mod has been moved to github. https://github.com/Lula-Mae/com.pa.lulamae.milkyway-skybox/archive/master.zip Version 1.2.0 Cube map images changed to 2048 x 2048 .png files from 1024 x 1024 .papa files. In game skybox is sharper and mod size reduced to 10 meg from 30 meg