Hi its me Romeo, i think almost everyone know me.... okey not really cause my name in games is PAG_LordOfTheRedArmys.. before you said... is not comunist xD i just like the red and i dont like these russian crazy things... by the way Im here to search a team to play Share 5.0 Eco battles because.. my friends Neon,Andreas,Fluub, corgi,Omega,AdmiralGeneral and the others just stay playing all the day in EPIC PRo %50 sim speed battles or they just play in diferent hours to me cause.. lest be honest im Mexican xD (sorry guys but its truth) Em i would like if you join my 5.0 eco battles i got a ¡¡¡¡SO STRONGER COMPUTER!!! (its so stronger i writte it in Mayus ) i will use it to host the battles and dont make explode the uber servers (UBER your servers are so good its just i wanna host the game in my PC ) and dont forget the nosebreaker he needs a break xD (okey im kiding) So if you wanna play gigant battles, send me a friend request My name in steam is RomeoRuiz15 and there is a planetary annihilation picture. GL HF And now i will give some tips for the new players #1.- attack #2.- dont die #3.- win And thats it, thats everything than every player need to know
Im kiding He didnt made to me nothing Marshall, xDDD its just i saw his posts xDDD and they re funny (just kiding) you wanna play marshall??
Nah im really old in this game like almost 4 years just i change my name too many times: LordOfTheRedTanks, RomeoRuiz15, Romeo :3, LordOfTheShadowBots, LordOfTheGreentanks, and know the PAG_LordOfTheRedArmys .. almost everyone in game call me Romeo... i think gonna change the nickname to Romeo
Join? yeah of course you can just let me know how to make my computer a server cause idk very well how but i got the hardware... just look this 32gbs ram and i-7700k i think is the same than MikeyS server