patching. Why Mikey Should

Discussion in 'PA: TITANS: General Discussion' started by nosebreaker, August 30, 2017.

  1. Corgiarmy

    Corgiarmy Active Member

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    Yes, it's fun to "pit them" against each other. That has nothing to do with competitive balance on a 1v1 match. There need some semblance of balance between the factions in a 1v1 ladder or everyone will pick the same faction. In which case, why have a combined ladder?
  2. gmase

    gmase Well-Known Member

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    Who's better then, MLA or Legion?
  3. Corgiarmy

    Corgiarmy Active Member

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    In a vacuum, with two evenly matched players who know legion and mla equally well in a 1v1 setting (plat/uber players)?

    The legion player wins. I am not gonna breakdown each unit (I could), but I spend too much time on this forum already-
    1. Legion bots>mla bots (mla bots have absolutely no counter, even purgers kill groups of dox and sparks if the player knows how to use them [shakes fist at Nik])
    2. Legion tanks>mla tanks (t1 can I say shotgun tank :p, t2 legion has range over mla's levelers which a good player will use to win any engagement)
    3. Legion air= mla air (legion's t2 AA is much better go check out the panzer vs storm range)
    4. I don't know enough about legion's navy to judge it properly compared to mla's navy so *shrug*
    5. Orbital doesn't really matter with the current 1v1 maps

    I love legion and I think it should have its own ladder, but a combine ladder will result in people only player legion at the middle-top of the ladder.
    Last edited: September 1, 2017
    gmase likes this.
  4. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    Why is it that every single Legion tournament recently has had a majority of top 8 and all of the top 2 be MLA players?
  5. Corgiarmy

    Corgiarmy Active Member

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    Bc top players have 1000 hrs in mla and 30 hrs in legion.
    Last edited: September 1, 2017
  6. wpmarshall

    wpmarshall Planetary Moderator

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    Because at the end of the day they want to win.

    Same reason Qzipco and AdmiralGeneral always team up in 2v2s.
  7. gitaxian

    gitaxian Member

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    In my experience none of that matters because Dox are so good they let you keep the Legion player from expanding. Maybe against Nik it's different, but I find that even though Legion units are way better it's pretty easy for MLA to get twice the eco of the Legion player and win in spite of trading poorly through weight of numbers.
  8. gmase

    gmase Well-Known Member

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    So taking into account the experience with MLA they are even or in favour of MLA.
    I for example don't really know Legion air: those suicide things, the fact that fighters have to face the enemy, the T2 fighters with long range but are they cost effective?
  9. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    MLA vs Legion is a perfect example of winning every battle except the last one to lose the war.
  10. n00n

    n00n Active Member

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    For those interested, over the last several months I've slowly been working on a major rebalance (code name Equilibrium) with help of the top players in the community. I'm confident it's going to be well received when released in the near future. You may have seen the play-tests been hosted from time to time. If you wish to participate in the meritocracy, feed back is welcome and gathered via the community centre.
    Corgiarmy likes this.
  11. nosebreaker

    nosebreaker Post Master General

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    patching .. not adding mods. guys
    pa titans not pa legion.
    you legion guys go do your legion stuff in the corner were you belong .
    your like some std that doesn't go away similar to ther herpa derpa.

    No mod hijacking please . If adding obscure mods is your thing, start a post about why you should be accepted as a human first.
    Any way Mikey should patch game end of..... The Nosebreaker assess the situation and all the community is in complete agreeance ..

    Mikey you now have permission. Patch away
    aknof, sardaukar666 and icycalm like this.
  12. Corgiarmy

    Corgiarmy Active Member

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    What needs patched? I mean serious flaws like com reclaim.
  13. gmase

    gmase Well-Known Member

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    The nosebreaker should know that balance tuning is a very difficult task that needs help from many top players.
    Should know that Mikey might not have the time to go through the long process of small balance changes.
    Should know that if a mod balances Legion and MLA together it would mean that MLA itself is balanced.
    Should know that patching the game is more difficult than making a balance mod and updating it several times.
    And that it should be much easier for Mikey to copy the balance changes from a mod after it had reached an optimal state.
    Alpha2546, Corgiarmy and n00n like this.
  14. Alpha2546

    Alpha2546 Post Master General

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    I kind of agree except the fact that support for balance mods is poor. I've supported some balance mods and it's hard getting a stable player pool to gather opinions.
    The sniper bot maybe? Some Tweaking to the grenadier en maybe (just a tad) of tweaking to the levelers (or shellers)
  15. Corgiarmy

    Corgiarmy Active Member

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    Sniper bots have a terrible name. Currently they are anti-missile bots. The old days of sniper bots defending bases and shooting through planets are over and have been replaced by missile defenses. Besides an increase in range, I am not sure what you could do to them without making them OP. The sniper bot is still very useful part of an attacking armies composition. N3on's mod gives the sniper bot more oomph and some players just spam them and grenadiers on his balance mod.

    Grenadiers are a useless unit. N3on's mod gives them a purpose, but I am not sure this is the cure.

    Levelers are strong in FFA and team games, but are rather weak in the current 1v1 meta (most ubers go t2 bots first and t2 air second). Again, any changes could create other consequences which might not improve gameplay.

    Shellers are in a tough spot. Do you want to slightly increase their range or splash to make them relevant?

    Vanguards are another unit that is rarely used. Should their health be increased to make them more durable as a meat shield?

    What about nukes? One of the best part of com reclaim was that one nuke could kill a com. IMO, it made games more fun with the constant threat that my opponent only needs one nuke to kill my com. I won and lost a number of games because of this and have no complaints about this returning.
  16. nosebreaker

    nosebreaker Post Master General

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    Ideas to patch

    The aircraft carrier needs to be expanded in size so that about 12 figters may land and be repaired on its deck taxi around then take off. The Nosebreaker would like to see steam assist catipult on the Cv Tiney details like that......

    Advanced subs are range is too small increase the range of the torpedo by about 1.9
    The Leveler armour is way too weak it should not be as easily killable by t1 ........
    Vision of the bombers is way to small they cant run from fighters also increase in speed.
    Cost of Nukes is way to high Since t 2 has cost decrease the nukes need to half too.
    air scout vision increase give them adv radar too so they are like an awacs The Nosebreaker think its called
    increase life of power gens so that they can be used as shield. and dont die so easy
    mex should have high powerd laser on them and also see into the future.
    advanced factories should build way way slower.
    com should be able to reclaim itself....

    Just to name a few of the patches......
    as to mikey That man is a machine of goodness dont you dare isult him by saying he cant patch correctly or he doesnt have time mikey controls time...... Think on that before you go flying off the handle

    mods like legion fracture and seperate tiny player pools
    Last edited: September 3, 2017
    sardaukar666 likes this.
  17. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    The Nosebreaker should spend less time breaking noses and more time playing the game, if those opinions of his are anything to go by.
    flubbateios and tatsujb like this.
  18. icycalm

    icycalm Post Master General

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    nosebreaker, have you seen the Tyr? It is the coolest unit in PA. That alone is reason enough to welcome Legion, and there are many others.

    I don't think Legion is fracturing anything. I think it is extending the game's life, like all good expansions are supposed to do. Give it a chance, man. All your criticisms of it can be worked out, if there is the will to work them out. And I see many people with that will.
    cdrkf likes this.
  19. icycalm

    icycalm Post Master General

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  20. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    Screw the sxx... *THAT* is an orbital laser
    lulamae likes this.

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