just a single page after : ' ) I see what you mean now if it's been posted a page back it's as good as if it didn't exist. (I'm not like that though I'll go back and check/read)
nobody knows the history of this thread's naming anymore? /S see! this is why I keep droning on about the youth these days not studying enough history! /S
I must have goofed and got my lines crossed, because I KNOW I saw a posted Cyanide and Happiness, but then I went to found one, and somehow found the exact same one. I didn't intentionally do it, but in this day and age, if you do anything and don't cover your arse, it's because [insert political bullcrap here]. I remember back in the day, when people made mistakes, some more than others, and it wasn't based on political affiliation. My bro and his wife are clumsy mofos, before politics were explosive, and it never was spun around as "hur hur dumb redneck hicks in confederate racist state hur hur". Anyway, whatever.
Anyone here play Joking Hazard, the card game based on Cyanide and Happiness? I am not sure if that was covered in this thread, uhm... forum search engine is shite... uhm... screw it, I'll just post about it anyway, duplicate or not. Aanndd... *post*
Bet your arse they do. Even has expansion sets for the card game. It's a pretty good card game too, I'd say Cards Against Humanity is better, and Quiplash is better but requires more comedy on the user's own talent, but Joking Hazard is pretty damn funny.