Hidden keybindings?

Discussion in 'PA: TITANS: General Discussion' started by lulamae, February 27, 2017.

  1. lulamae

    lulamae Planetary Moderator

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    Since I play the game while using the mouse with my left hand, I use the hotkeys Ctrl+left/right arrow keys a lot to rotate the view clockwise/counterclockwise. I would like to assign this action to different keys, but I do not see this action available to select on the keyboard settings. Am I just missing it? Or is this just an undocumented/hidden item?
  2. ljfed

    ljfed Active Member

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    I guess it just uses ctrl + key bound to move left/right. Either way my recommendation is for you to become pro and use the middle mouse button for everything :)
  3. lulamae

    lulamae Planetary Moderator

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    I'm so pro that I use both :) (and play left-handed even though I'm right-handed)

    I use ctrl + left/right to reorient the screen to a more convenient view for wherever I end up after using the middle button.

    I decided to learn to use Hotbuild 2 instead of the build bar which is why I wondered about this. I was hoping there was a way to rotate the view using a single key instead of a combination of keys.
    Last edited: February 27, 2017
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  4. grandhomie

    grandhomie Active Member

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    I haven't tested (not on my computer) but if you change the "Camera Controls" shortcuts (move left/right/up/down) to something else (WASD for instance), would it work? Maybe the rotate left wise is connected to the move left shortcut.
  5. n00n

    n00n Active Member

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    Indeed it is. And I highly recommend getting used to WASD (or the lefty equivalent) for camera movement. There is also Alt+Middle-Mouse for camera roll too.

    @lulamae if that's not enough for you, it is possible to mod in the functionality for a single key, but it's not going to be as fluid as the current in-engine multi hotkey.
  6. lulamae

    lulamae Planetary Moderator

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    Yeah, I've been using the arrow keys which are the lefty equivalent. The drawback is that while the WASD keys allow you to keep your (left) hand in place and use your little finger for the shift or ctrl keys, with using my right hand I have to shift my hand to the right of the shift/ctrl keys to use the arrow keys. And with all that shifting back and forth I often end up with my hand out of position. I will probably take @grandhomie 's advice and try setting up the P,L, : , " , keys as a mirror of WASD.

    I did not know that. Thanks! That might do the trick!
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  7. w33dkingca

    w33dkingca Active Member

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    Might find you have trouble getting all your hotkeys set up and may even find your movement hindered slightly due to it. Although your MMB will most likely break it is the most efficient way i find when using a large array of hotkeys. I have all mine set up from Load transport to copy to pip never needing to press a button past T unless i use control groups.

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