I start the game, but instead of being logged in regularly, I'm not. Then I went to the settings menu only to discover that there were no servers available at all. It says "Nothing selected", and clicking the button opens an empty drop down menu. I installed TITANS yesterday. Might this have caused the issue? It works fine there. Automatic login and in the settings there are 3 different servers to choose from. Trying to recover my apparently premade PlayFab account (the one with like "SteamID0928349340" as username) didn't work (because it's not actually tied to an email address or anything) and creating a new account was pointless as well because I needed an activation key which I couldn't find in Steam. I've made sure that PA is white listed in the Firewall. Furthermore I've also uninstalled PA:T and verified PA's game files via Steam. Log and Dxdiag attached. What do?
You'd be surprised to see how many people miss that button. Anyway, as for your logs, there is something weird going on. You seem to be getting "404 not found" errors for locally installed files, which obviously shouldn't be happening. So something appears to be blocking. Can you go through the list of known incompatible software. Also try the clean boot option mentioned at the end. https://wiki.palobby.com/wiki/Windows_Incompatible_Software