Help needed.

Discussion in 'PA: TITANS: General Discussion' started by bradkill, July 22, 2016.

  1. bradkill

    bradkill Member

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    I have... ALOT of questions; But not many answers. (If you cant tell i need help getting the answers)
    For one, I see these youtubers running PA laglessly. But i get like 20 lag spikes a minute, and the game overall is just really slow. yet these youtubers run it without any of those problems, AND they are recording?! How do they do this?

    I've seen youtubers have 32 player matches... But you can only have 10 players. So how do they do that? Also how do they get 32 players to notice there game in the first place? I struggle to get 3.

    Is there a way to put more than 16 planets in one system? And, Despite having "Unlocked system editor", Why does the game sometimes reset values when i put them high? For example, Mass, When put at the maximum here, it gets reset from 100000 to 50000. How do i fix these things?
    Before you say its impossible, I have seen images of systems over 16 planets, and the publishers claiming that it actually plays. But when i try to go above 16, Than play on the map, When i try to select it, It says that theres a max limit of 16 planets.

    If this helps, I will list all the mods i currently have ON: Titans, Legion Expansion Client BETA, Legion Expansion BETA, WPMarshall's Map Pack, Challenge Levels for galactic war, No Video for galactic war, Alpha2546 Map Pack, Unlock Loadouts for galactic war, Queller AI Client, Queller AI, HodgePodge, Metapod's Amazing Map Pack!, An Uber map remix collection, Titan Gantry, System Sharing for Titans & Classic, Sandbox Unit Toolbox, AI Mod Compatibility Patch, Darkish Nights, Poland's Incredible Earth Map, Infinite Build, Instant Sandbox, Air Team Colored Trails, Weapons Tracking, -=Orbital Warfare Overhaul=-, Commander Tele Landing, Team Colored Chat, Map Pack, Pwn4two's Map Pack, Reclaimable Features, Wrekage, Hidden Biomes, Ai Personalities, Sunshine mod, Solar Flare, Kiwi's FFA Map Pack, Orbital Warfare Overhaul Strategic Icons, Unlocked System Editor, Community Map Pack, Junkyard Biome, Team Commander Explosion Color, Team Teleporter Color, Team Commander Landing Color, Team Build Color

    I am aware that is ALOT of mods, And might be part of the cause for lag, But, Note that most of these are really small mods (IE map-packs and team-color mods) or insane overhaul mods (IE Titans, Legion, and the Orbital Warfare Overhaul) There are very through middle-line mods (Like Queller AI)
    Last edited: July 22, 2016
  2. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    OWO, Titan Gantry, and Legion are incompatible. Enable only one.
    cptconundrum, Nicb1 and Clopse like this.
  3. ljfed

    ljfed Active Member

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    10 player limit is only on the Uber servers. Larger games can be set up on custom servers. And yeah it is super hard to get that many players. Maybe after a tournament or a sale or the game was from a while ago.
  4. mwreynolds

    mwreynolds Well-Known Member

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    I you want people to join don't make huge planets and systems. Also huge planets and systems will cause more in game lag.
    tunsel11 and stuart98 like this.
  5. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    You can create maps with more than 16 planets *in the editor* (though it's locked in the default editor so needs a mod).

    The issue is you cannot *texture* more than 16 planets (this is a hard limit in the engine) so although there have been experiments where they loaded more planets, the textures were broken.

    At also sounds like your 'lag' is down to building very large maps. PA plays super smooth on a single planet or even on several fairly small planets. If you make large single planets (radius bigger than 900) or a system with lots of planets (more than about 5 total, less if it includes big planets) then performance goes down very quickly.

    We've had this discussion before though- and *nothing in the core engine* has changed since then. The Community patch fixed lots of issues and added in mod support but the changes you'd like (very large systems, massive planets and high frame rates) will need a major update to the engine, and that isn't going to happen unless Uber decide to create 'PA 2.0' unfortunately.
  6. wondible

    wondible Post Master General

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    The Surface Area mod will give you an approximation of the load of systems, but you'll have to try a few systems to see how your computer responds to different sizes.
  7. bradkill

    bradkill Member

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    Well... Okay thanks for trying to help.
    Though, I do wish it was possible to do more stuff. :/
    Seriusly imagine if the game was made more simply, and was able to have like 1000 planets and like 10 stars
    That would be awesome
    But of course... Thanks alot game engine... 16 planets 1 star.
    As for low planet systems, WHY DO PEOPLE WANT /LESS/ Planets, MORE is BETTER right? It makes more difficult matches, it makes more fun gameplay!!! WHY DO THEY WANT LESS!?!?!?

    Srsly, Whats the point of orbital if you dont have other planets to go to? THE GAME HAS A FREAKING DEDICATED CLASS TO IT
    Qzipco likes this.
  8. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    well realisticly lots of large planets tends to be a very slow (as the gameplay over many large planets just is that way) and laggy game.
    More isn't always better. If the game had 1000 planets you could not really even spend much time thinking about a planet. Consider this: An average online game of PA may take maybe 20 to 30 minutes. If you have even just 100 planets you'd not really have much time to even look at each planet once during that time.

    It sure is a matter of taste and what you want from the game.
    lulamae likes this.
  9. bradkill

    bradkill Member

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    Lag? What lag??? Yes, I get lag, But its easily barable :/. Its not game-ruining lag. So... My point still stands, Why do people want LESS planets? It doesnt lag /THAT/ much. :/
    Qzipco likes this.
  10. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    Orbital is bad because it's less interesting than land.
    elodea likes this.
  11. bradkill

    bradkill Member

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    One problem: Mods fix that
    Seriusly if you look at the mods i have, theres this: Orbital Warfare Overhaul Strategic Icons
    On top of that, How can you /not/ want to make an annihilaser or smash a planet into a different planet?

    The system i use the most has 8 planets. One massive earth planet called "Goliox", An orbitting gas planet thats /bigger/ but has less mass called "Purplex", An annihilaser, 3 projectile planets, 1 spawn planet (Tropical, not in the main system), and One junkyard planet (mod) (The projectiles consist of a Metal boss, Ice boss, And lava planet).

    How can you /not/ want to play on that system? Are people seriusly just judgeing the system off its cover known as how many planets it has??? That makes NO sence what-so-ever!

    The only reason i could see someone not liking it is because of the loading system time. Its quite large. :/ But other than that, theres no major game-ruining lag what-so-ever.
    Last edited: July 23, 2016
    Qzipco likes this.
  12. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    Call me insane, but to me one to two planets games with non stop action are the best setup for PA.
    More planets and I can't keep up with the action in a reasonable way. I am just not fast enough to manage a dozen armies over three different planets in real time.
  13. bradkill

    bradkill Member

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    Oh. So in other words is there chances of winning thats affecting them? That doesnt make since because everyone else gets the same problem. Its still just as fair.
    Qzipco likes this.
  14. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    But much more boring and frustrating.
  15. bradkill

    bradkill Member

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    How can smashing planets and blowing them up with lasers be boring? Not to mention titans and legion and the orbital over-haul
    "Frustrating" Yes, at times, if you get planet-ambushed by a magma world or somthing, or blown up by an annihilaser, But those things can easily be avoided /just/ by going to an annihilaser and blowing up the projectiles AND since your on the laser, you cant get blown up by someone else using the laser. Not to mention they'll probably prioritize /threats/ to there laser. AKA projectile planets.
    Qzipco likes this.
  16. xankar

    xankar Post Master General

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    Have you even played PA?
    Nicb1, tunsel11, ljfed and 3 others like this.
  17. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    Yeah. Basically what happens when you play on as many big planets as possible tends to be that everyone builds tons and tons and tons of stuff on their planets for hours until the game is running at like 20% of real world speed, meaning it will take even more hours to fight it out. All in slow motion.
    elodea, tatsujb, stuart98 and 3 others like this.
  18. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    or someone hits the gaz giant / metal planet first and GG in 15 minutes no matter how many total planets and total players
    stuart98 and tunsel11 like this.
  19. Qzipco

    Qzipco Active Member

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    The more planets, the more fun! I enjoy systems with atleast 10 hours of travelling time!!!111!!!one11!!! Why does uber not by better servers like google does?????? Uber have all the money in the world!!!6!
  20. xankar

    xankar Post Master General

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