Commander Reclaim Ruins PA

Discussion in 'PA: TITANS: General Discussion' started by exodusesports, June 17, 2016.

  1. huangth

    huangth Active Member

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    I have a question.
    When should a player build a Lob rather than two bot factories?
    They are both 1200 metal, but two bot factories build 30 metal per second, which is double of the Lob's.
    Does Lob build faster than the bot factories do? I don't think so.

    And Lob takes 60 metal rather than 45 metal per dox, this is not good for the long term.
    Why do players still use the Lob? To reduce the space of base?
  2. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    Lobs are preloaded.
    elodea likes this.
  3. Qzipco

    Qzipco Active Member

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    • Even if they're not preloaded they are better than bot factories, if the bot factory were to build dox. Lobs build bots much faster than bot factories, I think it is 1.5× as fast. Yes they take more eco, but they will give you such an advantage unit wise that you'll be able to raid you're enemy's expansion ehich will end up in you having an advantage.
    tatsujb and huangth like this.
  4. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    well that´s a bit bs
    pieman90 and tatsujb like this.
  5. psdpro

    psdpro Member

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    It's rather silly that lobs are just used for dox spamming, and not their intent which is putting infantry in hard-to-reach spots. Only with the Starcannon in Legion did I realize the potential of such a unit. I wish the lob had a longer range and higher eco cost, so people would use it more like the Starcannon (for defending the outskirts of your base and surprise raids), instead of boring dox spam.
    tatsujb and huangth like this.
  6. Corgiarmy

    Corgiarmy Active Member

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    I always have issues with lobs firing. Any solutions?

    Ik off topic.
  7. river39

    river39 Active Member

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    I do beleave that the lob should be changed, i think that a longer build time of the dox in the lob would be beter. making a bot factory more efficent but a lob more flexable.
    psdpro likes this.
  8. huangth

    huangth Active Member

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    Sorry for discussing the lob which digresses.

    Back to the commander reclaim.
    Is it possible to fix this balance issue with an official patch in the near future?
    I know there are some mods which try to solve this problem by reducing the metal of the commander.
    However, they are all server mods which are unable to be applied in ranked games.
  9. perfectdark

    perfectdark Active Member

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    You should only be able to reclaim units for metal once they are dead. Being able to reclaim anything and for it to be fully functional is an absolute joke.
    huangth and cdrkf like this.
  10. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    this is a videogame, screw realism
    a unit/structure always needing to be destroyed in order to reclaim means you never get more than 50% of it´s metal ...
    other than that why should a structure that you have used before not be like 100% recycleable?
    i mean i could take a whole car, dismantle it and build something else out of it even if just ramshakled, or could take away the doors and roof and all manner of parts that the car does not need to drive and still be controllable .. the difference with PA units is they just ai controlled that´s it ..
    and even then reclaiming living units other than current comm reclaim doesn´t happen that much if at all in matches anyway and in case of reclaiming enemy units is more like stealing the opponents metal which still happens rarely ...
    i don´t see this change fixing anything major .. the only change needed is for allied comms to not be reclaimable or the value being drastically reduced because of the comparebly limited opening buildorders that are viable ..
    Last edited: June 29, 2016
  11. underscore1112

    underscore1112 Member

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    do it like supcom... don't let reclaim get metal back until the building or unit is dead
  12. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    why is that neccesary other than for the commander?
    Qzipco likes this.
  13. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    regarding health repair to metalvaluerate: changing fabbers to repair health per second rather than metal per second while keeping the metalvalue per health point would lead to varius metaldrainvalues depending on what unit you repair with its metalvalue per healthpoint

    in that case there must have been a system from the very beginning
    were repairing healthpoints have a fixed metalvalue across the board to ensure not having varring metaldrainrates ... that however also could lead to units being more metalintensive to repair than their full health might be originaly worth ...
    Last edited: June 30, 2016
  14. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    Actually you're thinking of ta not supcom. Trust me I would know.
    Nicb1 likes this.
  15. underscore1112

    underscore1112 Member

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    because it is just as exploitable to reclaim your commander as it is to reclaim a halley or a catalyst... or any building for that matter. Anyway i just put in the work and learned the new build so this whole com reclaim nonsense won't affect me that much... if you can't beat em' ... join em'.
    I still don't think that this has any place in the game though. This commander reclaim nonsense has made trying to get map control unviable. T2 rushing simply beats it. lobs are finally being used though... and it's brought a whole new meaning to dox spam.
  16. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    so i can get metal out of a doomsdayweapon or titan after i build it over the course of minutes into the game .... ok and? realy other than the commander i don't see the problem it's simply transferable metal but with any unit or structure you have to build them first ... not so the commander with his high metalvalue
    Last edited: July 1, 2016
  17. Qzipco

    Qzipco Active Member

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    People just blindlessly take over the t2 rush strat with comm reclaim and say it's the only thing you can do with it, where as there are so many more options. Depending on what kind of t2 your opponent is rushing you can get a lot of t1 factories and rush your opponent. Get t1 tanks vs t2 bots and get t1 bots vs t2 tanks. Everybody nowadays is complaining about that there is no more strats being made and that everybody is using the same strategy. If you are a person who says this you ask yourself: Why have I not put any effort in creating new strats and still complain about them?

    note: not talking about comm reclaim itself, talking about (almost) everybody just rushing t2 with it.
    Corgiarmy likes this.
  18. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    to me that´s not the problem .. weither you techrush or spam the question is can a player that does the same strats win without commreclaim against a equaly good player who uses commreclaim efficiently ..
    tunsel11 likes this.
  19. perfectdark

    perfectdark Active Member

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    If you can reclaim units for metal whilst they are still alive and fully functional then why not take it one step further and enable the ability to reclaim them during construction. So, you start to build a titan, and at the same time have a fabber reclaim it, the titan is built with ~5% health for 5% of the metal.

    Seems fair, right?
    underscore1112 likes this.
  20. psdpro

    psdpro Member

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    All shall fear my undead robot army.

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