Open Beta, the games only around 8GB. Totally worth it, already bought the game. Game is amazing looking, good style, runs perfectly even on lesser hardware, all the characters are interesting and fun... Man its pretty awesome tbh. XD Mei is my favourite character. A lot of variance. Left click ice mist thing that deals a bit of damage over time in an aoe thing like a flamethrower and freezes people if held long enough, right click is a delay fired ice shot which deals a ton of damage on headshot. She can also build a giant ice wall, and can go into turtle mode to gain back health and get out of battle for a few second. Oh and she's adorable. So yeah if you haven't tried the game TRY IT. Especially if you like team based shooters. If you haaave.. what do you think?
Tried it a bit on a friend's computer, it was pretty solid. The game felt smooth and functional, not sure I'd be willing to shell out the money for it when I can play TF2 though.
I got an early access key from a friend, been playing for a good 3 days straight. Really enjoying it, though it has the SMNC thing of "Bad team composition REALLY fucks you"; and the current playerbase isn't really willing to switch things up often enough. It actually feels very much like a balance between TF2 and MNC, with way more polish than either of the two. I have a few niggling issues with a lot of the thematics and style of the game, but that's a whole rant in itself. I'm getting way into characters like Tracer, Pharah, Lucio, any that have really fun movement ticks. Tracer in particular is fun for messing with people and getting places you shouldn't be; though since she's like the game's Poster-Girl, ALL the new kids are playing her, and her voice is -grating-.
I did! Really fun! Junkrat is my bae. And NOT just because we're both Australian! Bastion OP pls nerf.
Bastion has no HP though. Easy to kill with a DPS character. Except when behind a shield and then I cry.
Obligatory "nice q m8" comment Edit: I'm REALLY good at this game. You can -see- the moment I pressed E to recall, but it was timed the moment I hit the kill boundary
Although I don't see this (or any other) game replacing reflex as my main mp game anytime soon (or ever :/), but after playing for about two hours straight i gotta say it's fun. Would be a lot better if I had a group with voicecoms or something, but the solo experience seems alright as well. I just suck at ults. No clue why, but it seems more effective to pretty much never use them for me (except for the ones that are supposed keep your team alive rather than killing opponents), even though they are really powerful in theory :/
I was really not expecting it to, but playing this has kinda reminded me how much I'm REALLY into this style of shooters. Lawbreakers looks aesthetically bland, and Battleborn looks a complete mess.
unfortunately battleborn bombards you with effects which i hope there is a way to tone that down because gameplay looks fairly intresting .. as for lawbreakers yea maybe it looks blant but sometimes i personaly like to have a game that isn't oversaturated with colors and as long as gameplay is enjoyable i consider aestetic secondary anyway from what i've seen so far from lawbreakers i would say it's fairly balanced in color ... it's not too colorful neither too brown or grey imo ... it's kinda like what you expect a unrealtournamentlike (has that feel to it) game to look like i think
I gave it a shot, and it's good fun, but... it doesn't quite satisfy my particular itch for MP shooters. Spoiler: Angry tangent WHY ARE THERE SO FEW MULTIPLAYER SHOOTERS WITH COMBINED-ARMS WARFARE???
idk, but planetside 2 has an INFANTRY PLAY IS BAE cult within its community that is the
I am meh about overwatch tbh. Not worth for me at least. it's fun but....shallow. Some of the cahracters (genji pls) have a high skill ceiling, but most are much easier to master. (bastion op pls nerf lol). I've been spending a lot of time learning genji, but I'm not so sure I would want to dedicate a lot of time to the game to get really good at its mechanics. Already have Rocket League for that lol
DIE MEI DIE PS: that other match with Pharrah went down to 99% vs 99%. We just managed to win. Probably cuz of me l33t rockets.