Every time I pull up the custom multiplayer lobby it seems like half the games are using the PAX system. Let's be honest; it's not a very fun or interesting map. What's the deal? Why do people keep choosing this system? Just laziness?
I think you see this map so often because people are too lazy to browse through all these custom community maps to find some more multi planet systems that they like. (I may be guilty of this)
This. What's even worse is when you play the old pax and think its new and exciting despite it being played all the time before titans. On side note, legion mod expansion should have its own pax system to go along with its predecessors.
I'll work on a new PAX. Side-note, the BEST games at PAX had spawns on the metal planet as well where people got kicked off and/or legged it in search of eco and easy expansion. But the balance (when I make the new version) will come in balancing the lure of the annihilaser with the eco reward for planetary control.
Sorry for pulling this old thread. It's allways PAX, because - planets are unique, which is easier to distinguish the planets by even icon (instead of multiple earthes) - not too much planets - somewhat logic and intuitive planet placement (metal far away, lava is hot and direct at sun, earth is at medium distance to sun, moon is around earth), therefore easier to memorize - balanced gameplay. you can have metal everywhere, but not too much. - nice platforms on both lava and earth - good start spots, variety of options. and luckily no start spot at metal. - and at last, having this kind of standard map causes some consens about map preference, strengthening itself over time.