Currently trying to fix this issue: @weeberz, @TheMinionPT, @carcass227 I may need some more screenshots, and possibly testers, since I don't have this bug. The first stage is for me to gather information and analyse the way the shaders that produce those effects are supposed to work, and then figure out what AMD is doing wrong so I can work around it. Then I will begin testing/debugging. So I may ask some of you, who have this issue, to try out my shaders and then post screenshots of the results. EDIT: It seems it could be fixed by using fullscreen mode and my Green Planet Fix mod.
@dom314 I don't know if you're still working on this but I have this issue. I would be willing to help test any solutions.
It seems to have worked for me. I still get the little artifacts around the range rings but the fog of war is fine now!