Everything you need to know about TITANS

Discussion in 'PA: TITANS: General Discussion' started by exodusesports, August 18, 2015.

  1. Tontow

    Tontow Active Member

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    Right, but when was that? I still have the receipt (screen shot of it) from when I got the game and it has the date on it.
  2. ace63

    ace63 Post Master General

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    If you bought the game through any other place than kickstarter it was after the kickstarter.
    stuart98 likes this.
  3. Tontow

    Tontow Active Member

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    So if you got it from the uber store, then it wasn't kickstarter?
  4. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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  5. algoc

    algoc New Member

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    Just want to thank for excellent game PA: TITANS and for supporting Linux.
    Last edited: August 26, 2015
    cdrkf, tracert and DeathByDenim like this.
  6. Dainank

    Dainank Member

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    Is the majority of PA players going to port to Titans?
  7. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    I'm already on it- although Titans players can also play original as well (I just played a game actually). So not having titans shouldn't mean no one to play against as everyone (titans + orig) can see and join your games.
  8. andrehsu

    andrehsu Active Member

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    You can also change Titans to Classic in Titans' settings page
    cdrkf likes this.
  9. masterdigital

    masterdigital Uber Alumni

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    It would be great to have the new CSG in the randomly generated planets, but the random generator would have to be significantly upgraded. This would be a lot of work.
    sigmud2 and Remy561 like this.
  10. theseeker2

    theseeker2 Well-Known Member

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    how much work are we talking
  11. Riesj

    Riesj New Member

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    I am a bit disappointed that all Kickstarter backers get this game for free. But anybody who pledged on your site after the kickstarter campaign ended (but still years before the game was launched) has to pay for this.

    This also means that we, the ones who do not get Titans, will never get the product that was promised...
    Last edited: September 30, 2015
  12. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    Why, what's in Titan that was promised for Planetary Annihilation?
  13. stylisticsagittarius

    stylisticsagittarius Active Member

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    The backers on kickstarters got everything they where promised due to info on kickstarter and they recieve it for free.
    the backers from steam for example (like myself) wheren't promised things like titans. so get got exactly what they where promised and now get the change to purchase DLC as when they had the basic game they received big discount. Those that didn't get the original pa can now buy the game+DLC for just the price of titans.

    When you backed on steam and read info on kickstarter well then u got fucked but then again you can't say that on steam where you bought it you didn't get what was promised to you...
  14. fetusthebard

    fetusthebard New Member

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    Why is it exactly that I paid (the same price as kickstarters), and supported the game at a time that it was barely running (just like kickstarters), and didn't see the effects that the stretch goals promised (just like kickstarters), and now have to pay more money for the game that I deserved when I spent an unnatural sum of money for a game that ended up far sub-par to its kickstarter? I dare say that this product is unfit to purchase twice, and even at your "discount rate" I will be paying almost twice what I would usually pay for a triple A title.

    Have you gotten hate mail? If not, why not? This is disturbingly disgusting activity. I would never purchase anything made from any of you again. As it is, I won't be purchasing Titans.
  15. killerkiwijuice

    killerkiwijuice Post Master General

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    Yep it's disgusting that they don't work for free. Just disgusting.
    captain81 and stuart98 like this.
  16. fetusthebard

    fetusthebard New Member

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    No, It's disgusting that they are charging twice for a game that I already paid to receive and was promised.
    captain81 likes this.
  17. Alpha2546

    Alpha2546 Post Master General

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    Wrong. Read thingys better before making these accusations. That's just rude.
  18. fetusthebard

    fetusthebard New Member

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    Read what? They just released an expansion that makes the game inches closer to their original kickstarter goal. This expansion costs money to those of us that were backers since the kickstarter, people that paid for 1 and a half triple A titles to support the developers in making the game a reality. And now? They are charging the same backers AGAIN for the finished product. Why don't you seem the least bit disturbed by this behavior?

    Must I spell it out? The company said they wanted to create the game. They accepted tons of money to start the project, easily twice as much as any of us would pay at release. They made almost all of their money before the game "came out", and pocketed the extra 30 bucks they got. The product that we received was completely unfinished, laughably really. They met only... what, half of their stretch goals at release? And now, instead of giving those that paid one and a half the price of a normal triple A the rest of their game, they want MORE money for the finished product, passing it off as DLC content.
  19. Alpha2546

    Alpha2546 Post Master General

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    Read what the terms of agreement were. I can post a really lengthy post with stuff that Titans has which was never promised.

    And no they're not charging their backers again. They gave Titans away to 50.000 backers (I think) as a thank you. Thats why I'm not disturbed. I'm more disturbed by the fact that people keep creating their own higher expectations and saying that that was promised to deliver and thus a company is called greedy. Which is a shame really cause if they really were they wouldn't gave it out for free to kickstarter backers and stopped development as soon as they said it was released.

    They made almost all of there stretchgoals except for the multiplayer galactic war thingy. plus don't forget that they added some extra content that was never promised (the advanced system editor as an example and thank god its in).

    So please don't spell it out. Put that effort into reading what you buy

    But hey if you really feel like you're right and I'm wrong then contact them about it or make a nice case out of it. You might get lucky if you really got something solid.
    MrTBSC, Nicb1, Corgiarmy and 2 others like this.
  20. fetusthebard

    fetusthebard New Member

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    Well, I have time. So why not.
    Primary Goal- Barely completed. Poorly made game with hundreds of bugs ranging from graphical mess to restart your game, there's no ignoring this. Even before the playable release (after the kickstarter succeeded and I signed on) the project seemed unprofessional, and once the playable release DID come out it had a youtube video for an intro. This stayed with it. Never mind that the DLC added unit variety sorely lacking in the base-game, adding further to the amount that it finished a half-finished product.
    Naval Units and Water Planets- Hahahaha, I guess they made right on this one. But seriously? 200,000 dollars to make some naval units with roughly the same purpose and skin as ground units?
    And that's ignoring that the naval game is trash tier if you aren't on one of the more water infested planets. And that's how I would describe it.
    Gas Giants and Oribital units- Barely existent up until DLC release, where they add in the orbital units needed to call it a feature instead of a gimmick. Somehow bombing planets with asteroids got done as if it was part of this milestone even though the concept art shows it. Some cool orbital mechanics, nothing like what was promised.
    Metal and Lava planets- Another big haha. Another 200,000 dollars for a remesh.
    Galactic War- Still waiting on this one. Is the campaign ever supposed to be finished or am I supposed to believe that the skirmish battles that you fight on a galaxy map are "missions" and that I'm "progressing" by beating the very poorly programmed AI a bunch of times?
    Have you ever played the original Battlefront? Do you think that Galactic Conquest is a "campaign" too?
    Full Orchestral Score- I'm going to assume I can lump John Patrick Lowrie in with this? Not delivered. Not in the slightest. And the "Orchestral Sound?" It sounds like any soundtrack for any strategy game worth rubbing two cents together for. I can praise sound tracks for games like CK2. You aren't going to hear it for this.
    Planetary Documentation- Yeah... Not delivered. Even though the game has been officially released for over a year.
    Would you like me to go on to dev promises next, and detail everything left out that was said during development? I'd love to see Planetary Documentary actually, it would make my job so much easier.
    Oh wait. It's not out.
    So the final tally.
    Completed features- 2
    Half-baked features- 2
    Unfinished features (not delivering promised features)- 2

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