Alright, the mod on github is now up to date. Just waiting on someone who is authorised to do it to update the version uploaded to PAMM. Apparently I am not allowed xD
I dunno why but apparently I can update it lol. Just did that. You're the author with gandalf of this mod lol. Nonetheless stil a very good mod.
Looks like this still works even in Titans. Now I just need people to play it with. @reptarking I challenge you!
I just pushed another update for Guma Guma Slide. Seems pretty much all of it was still in working order - just needed to update it for one of the new commanders. I also updated the README with information taken directly from the unit data.
Turns out I wasn't updating the actual unit_list file, which meant that the new commanders were not able to be used. D'oh! Fixed now, you may all guma to your heart's content.
I've just updated this mod. There have been a few changes to the base commander spec files, plus I also added a rainbow heart commander death explosion effect! Untested, so let me know if it works :3