Hi im currently suffering from a crash it makes me crash to desktop when i try to join a friends game. Is there anyway to fix this or am i at a dead end? Thanks
Actually I can see from the logs. That system is probably too big for 8GB of RAM. Sweet spot for planet radius is 600-900... anything over 1,000 won't perform well. Gas giants can be 1,300. Look at the number of planets and their radius in your logs: [22:11:13.500] INFO Building planet of radius 250 detail 2 [22:11:13.547] INFO Building planet of radius 250 detail 2 [22:11:14.594] INFO Building planet of radius 250 detail 2 [22:11:14.656] INFO Building planet of radius 250 detail 2 [22:11:19.906] INFO Building planet of radius 946 detail 2 [22:11:31.812] INFO Building planet of radius 1300 detail 2 [22:11:42.390] INFO Building planet of radius 1300 detail 2 [22:11:43.015] INFO Building planet of radius 749 detail 2 [22:11:43.094] INFO Building planet of radius 1500 detail 2 [22:11:44.390] INFO Building planet of radius 250 detail 2
Someone should make an auto-surface area calculator mod (if it's possible to get the planet radius data) so people have an idea of system size
Added some more info to: https://forums.uberent.com/threads/...player-games-ai-skirmish-or-1v1-ranked.69086/
https://forums.uberent.com/threads/rel-surface-area-1-3-1-86765.62643/ Though I haven't done any research on minimum RAM.