Spoiler Thread for Force Awakens [SPOILERS!]

Discussion in 'Unrelated Discussion' started by Geers, December 18, 2015.

  1. websterx01

    websterx01 Post Master General

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    My original issue was that a clone couldn't be black, since Jango Fett Wasn't. But since the First Order didn't use clones, I was perfectly okay with it. He was funny, and was helped to develop an interest in Rey beyond her being cool.
  2. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    Oh and I went to a second viewing.

    Bizarrely enough, seeing it a second time so close together wasn't at all a disappointment. I liked it just as much (I had a much more comfortable viewing than the initial one although I was off to the far side).

    I noticed something about my second viewing : Snorke had a sinister (more than usual) tone about saying he needs to complete Kylo's training as he's being told that the death star (sorry can't be asked to google it's new name) is collapsing.

    Is it just me or is Kylo going to be executed at the begining of episode 8 by Snorke who has lost patience with his too many shortcomings and overall weakness.

    perharps this explains why Kylo had a true internal battle going on : it's an "all-in" for him. either he goes at it 100% with the sith with the certainty of succeeding and gaining the trust and respect of Snorke. Or he simply backs out, runs away and rejoins his family who are his absolute best bet of staying alive after running away from something like this.

    Point is : there is no "in between". That would be sure death at the hands of Snorke.

    This is why Kylo feels such a tremendous amount of fear on a constant basis and is constantly so pissy (busting into a fit of rage at the slightest slip).

    And also explains why he hesitated for as long as he did on the platform. This wasn't a case of "daddy I love you" but more of a "you have no idea what's at stake. If I don't follow you at the bat of an eye it's because I'm 99.99999% percent sure the first order is bound to win what with the power it's got and I can't survive amongst your ranks and much less anywhere else if it's to have ran away from the new order. and the worst part is that I can't tell you all this because you wouldn't take me back if I told you that was the reason" (notice how indifferent he looks as the death-laser passes by in front of him. this isn't a "pah so uncivilised, it would be have been much better to subdue them all with the dark side" but rather a "I don't agree with this but I musn't show it" moment and the difference is subtle especially when you've got a mask on.

    all this to such a degree that it is instantly palpable to rey who can feel his fear and tells him she can tell he fears never being as strong as Vader.

    Vader could have been the bar Kylo set himself. Sidious never doubted Vader who had earned his absolute trust. Kylo figured if he was as at least as strong as him it should be self-evident that Snorke's trust would be earned.

    Very different way of seeing things for me. and very interesting.

    Hope I haven't jinxed episode 8 :p

    I don't know perhaps it is all just as simple as it seems at face-value. But that would be so much less interesting wouldn't it!?
    Last edited: December 22, 2015
  3. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    Stormtroopers were never clones you scrub!

    And no. Pre-existing clone troops from the Clone War that were absorbed into the new Empire don't count! The Empire stopped making them, smartypants!
  4. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    was it ever explained why? they seemed less inclined to betray and overall much more competent that their successors.
  5. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    Can't remember off the top of my head but I'm sure the answer's on Wookiepedia somewhere.
  6. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    Not true, the Empire did experiment with a few other templates from what I understand. Until they made the decision that clones mean one disagrees they all begin to disagree.
  7. Gorbles

    Gorbles Post Master General

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    Casual reminder that nothing in the EU is canon anymore. The prequels don't give a huge amount of exposition about the fate of the Clone Troopers, and even Star Wars: Rebels is only starting to touch on it I think.
    Geers likes this.
  8. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    The movie seemed to imply Finn was a clone, right? I think it even said so in the film. I might have misheard but I mean- The fact he had no name seemed to fit that idea too. Since if he were brought in as a kid he'd have a name? Unless taken at birth of very young I guess (So he wasn't told his name)
  9. Gorbles

    Gorbles Post Master General

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    The film explicitly states he was taken at birth and raised to obey orders. Finn himself, says it.

    (in one of the dialogues in Takodana)
    cwarner7264, websterx01 and stuart98 like this.
  10. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    Sorry my bad. Misheard and only heard the given name. Point withdrawn!
  11. Gorbles

    Gorbles Post Master General

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    Ahh, nah, nothing to be sorry about. There is a lot in The Force Awakens and I genuinely think a lot of people would get a lot out of watching it at least a second time.

    (I'm trying to plan a second cinema trip, cba waiting for the DVD release, hah)
  12. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    I believe the idea was often if one betrayed they would all betray or something or another.

    There was an uprising of clones led by the kamino- Where the 501st was sent in to deal with it. Not really any more clones after that.

    Like I said earlier though.. In the eu it was said that they'd tried a couple other templates for clones very early into the Empire. They used different templates as to limate the "brotherhood" mentality (so they wouldn't follow their brothers to go against the Empire etc.) But later- Due to costs and whatever else they decided it'd make more sense to just hire conscripts and just regular ol' people to do their work. The Empire believed cloning was outdated ironically.

    The 501st holding a little grudge on that too. =)
    tatsujb likes this.
  13. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    Until they all got exploded aboard the Death Star.

    Yes I know there were survivors.
  14. Devak

    Devak Post Master General

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    I watched it again yesterday and it's still a great movie.

    Some subtleties:

    *Rey is definitely the concept of Jedi incarnate. When interrogate by Kylo she first freaks out and he reads her like a book. But she calms down and composes herself and then manages to stop Kylo. In the final lightsaber battle she gains the upper hand by remembering that moment, calming down and embodying the essence of what a Jedi is: A calm, composed individual, who fights without emotions.

    *Finn is definitely the best character. Making him an ex-stormtrooper was a great move. His use of the lightsaber is very well-done (he more or less wields it like a club) and never actually defeats anyone with it, which is what you expect of someone who never wielded a lightsaber. He's clearly not Force Sensitive (how do we disable the shield generator? We'll just use the Force! That's not how the Force works!)

    *Kylo seems to be the only one who mostly wields his Lightsaber with just one hand. He is definitely strong in the Force, as he needs to focus to create an effect but can then maintain it without further focus. E.g. he pins down Rey then walks around her, or stops the shot and then interrogates Poe.

    Kylo doesn't seem to be that badly hurt during the fight with Rey. It's not clear if his hand is gone, it actually seems like she only destroyed his Lightsaber. He does have a nice cut across his face, but it's not very deep. This can be attributed to his great strength in the force, as it's not inconceivable he prevented it from being a lethal blow. Similarly, when Chewbakka shoots him he isn't thrown back at least a meter unlike everyone else, suggesting he only partially blocked the shot. It still did considerable damage and in hindsight it's pretty impressive he could fight at all.

    Finn is most definitely heavily injured, and i'm curious to see how he'll end up. Earlier notions that his spine is gone seem quite realistic as the cut across his back seemed pretty deep.
  15. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    clear as day to me.
  16. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    Plot twist: Finn becomes black Professor X.
    Devak likes this.
  17. cwarner7264

    cwarner7264 Moderator Alumni

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    I can finally roam the internet freely again!

    Loved it.
    cdrkf, Nicb1, squishypon3 and 6 others like this.
  18. gmase

    gmase Well-Known Member

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    Help me with this: how does the new death star work?
    Does it eat a Star to reload? I find that explanation very stupid
  19. Gorbles

    Gorbles Post Master General

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    More or less stupid than space magick, or self-contained plasma beams powered by magic crystals?
    stuart98 and Geers like this.
  20. gmase

    gmase Well-Known Member

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    There is a difference between fanfasy and nonsense fantasy. Han solo is now a powerful Jedi because he absorbed the power of the light sword, he just needed to go to the toilet to handle his new powers but we'll see him again in the next film.
    In this alternative reality planets do orbit stars so how many stars are in range of the weapon-planet, how many times can it be used?
    Gravity seems to work differently but isn't it a problem if a planet has no star to orbit around?

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