I don't want this guy posting anything at all masquerading as me. so far I've noticed he's also masqueraded as a developer or an inside eye to developer's work. I don't like this at all. how do I make it stop.
wow. I don't know what to say tatsu. You should be able to report him through steam, but as to whether he will be dealt with is a diff story all together. Maybe get a couple people here supporting you and reporting him. I'll see if I can do anything for you but not sure. If he's posting on the PA steam forums report him to the mods there as well. EDIT: Report him under impersonating another user. It's under the more tab. I've reported him from my end. Make sure to report him yourself asap. Wish you the best of luck with working out this crap. In the mean time other than that reply to him in threads calling him out for being a fake. EDIT2: Didn't realise those posts were from 2013. Someone on chat pointed it out for me. If you don't like those posts being there inform the local mods anyway and they should remove them, even if its old it is still impersonation.
reporting on the threads is bugged. it gives an error message saying nothing was modified. I created a support ticket asking for his posts to be deleted. hoping it will come through. I don't care that it was in 2013. I'm very frustrated that I didn't catch the culprit on the spot and only today but this changes nothing about how his actions are impersonation and defamation. better late than never. I want his posts gone.