Hey, Just putting it out there.... maybe. There needs to be longer lobby times for dodging, no offence =P Like if I've played 2 or 3 games against the same person and beat them every time, they're going to be tilting a little and it's kinda pointless for me =P Example: Today i got matched up with a guy who told me it was his first ranked game and thought going 1 bot, 2 air, 1 bot, 1 air then tanks was bot rushing.... yea..... I mean i'm all of teaching people and i spent half the game talking to them about what fabbers to use for building certain things, how to expand and how to be more offensive... I mean the fact that i had all the metal on the map and beat him so easily while spending so much time typing says something? Like i completely understand that the ranked pool is small and beggers (ranked players) can't be choosers.... but it's neither good for me or them, for me to keep vs'ing them. Anyways, just an idea, please don't kill me. ^^ Regards, Violet.
^definetly! in the mean time, i stopped playing ranked because kept running into them >.> lol. And they were super salty and mean as well >.< *tear* I need to get mlg and streaming and make everyone play pa! Ahahah jokes >.< I still have a long way to go! ahaha <3
nope, longer time in the lobby as in before the game so you can choose to decline the game... the thing is when someone is unranked or playing their first 5 games, they can get instantly matched up to anyone, to they got instantly matched up to me 3 times... which is stupid, the first time i beat them with dox, the 2nd time i didn't have enough time to dodge, the 3rd time i finally got to the but the point is it discourages them and it's hell boring for me because that's the next 10-15 minutes gone just... yea, ahahahah >.< I mean it's okay for me to teach them in game but i don't want to vs them multiple times in ranked because that's not the point of ranked! =)
Hahaha!!! Wait, am I the cat or the tyre? Sometimes I can't tell if you're making fun of me or not... Hahaha >.< <3 Edit: either way, I've gone back to doing weights since I finished my exams rather than just cardio so beware, I'll chase you down and go rawr!!!! Scared? soon I'll have a beautifully chiseled rugby player physique like @clopse XD Jokes! Tehe =3
I think she means Lobby... 1. In queue 2. Opponent found 3. Accept 4. Drop into lobby where you can choose colour (seems to only last as long as the slowest loader) 5. GAME ON! I think she is talking about 4, where you then know who your opponent is and back out as before that you do not know who you are matched against. I didn't know you could back out at this point without a rank penalty.
Exactly what i meant! You do get a penalty.... but i'd rather take the penalty then demoralize someone/waste my time over and over =P I mean i'll play them in the future, but no one it going to get magically better in one game =P Oh well >.< AND SHUSH I'M NOT A MOUSE I'M THE SCARIEST MONSTER ALIVE!!!
Anyway you'd be penalized on your secondary account right? I find funny they didn't add a public chat to the game to prevent "toxicity" but I've found quite big noob trolls in ranked and none in pamm chat. I guess noob trolls don't get pamm.
Well yea i have multiple accounts but that's not really the point.... ahahah, i only play ranked on 2 of them.... well really just 1, the other one is just there because i have too many people added on my main now but still ahaha >.< I think people don't troll in pa chat because everyone can see who they are and there name is there permanently unless they sign off so you can hold them accountable whereas if they were just a random in a game that you never saw again it's a lot harder to be like, "Dude, not cool! >.<" Oh well anyways ^^