The last time we found signs of aliens we discovered a new type of star, i believe. This is just going to be a new type of debris field. Or it's going to be dust on the lens. Wouldn't be the first time we got an almost stupidly mundane explanation. The last "alien signal" was people reheating coffee in a microwave, the last physics-bending experiment had a faulty cable connection.
They've tested the equipment. So unless they missed something whatever the reason for the readings is, it's astrophysical. I mean yes, odds are it's something very boring but frankly we need more observations before ruling anything out.
PA has FACTIONS??! wow never knew! /S seriously that reference is legitimately underground. Even for us.......... which goes to show how much was put into lore and SP
Looks like that sun is surrounded by Halo rings, not what the whole Dyson sphere is associated with. (Solar panels of some sort)
the dyson sphere in the theory is either under construction or intentionally leaves light going out. how else would we have detected this sun's irregularities? if the dyson sphere was full that sun would emit no light and wouldn't show up at all in space. the image is representative.
you mean THIS type of water and land ? solar cells get some pretty crazy hues ranging through green, blue and purple the above illustration is still roughly representing solar cells. not land and water. (what kind of forest doesn't combust, what kind of ocean doesn't evaporate with this kind of crazy close proximity with a star? it certainly wouldn't be green and blue in that case) Trudeau... what are you doing? No one cares about Gamer Gate anymore.
ughhhhhhhhhh........... what a moron! if anyone ever digs up a zombie and it causes the apocalypse I'll know it was him.
Nintendo and the 3DS modding community are having an arms race. Apparently nintendo planted a fix to several entrypoints several system versions ago, but didn't activate them till a major update to the latest payloads... stopping a number of people who hadn't installed other entrypoints without a way to access the homebrew. I'm kind of impressed. The way this was handled was devious, and it shows a pretty solid understanding of how the scene works and who people follow. I wish there was an article on it. This is turning out to be an interesting story and I'm not sure I can explain it all well. Oh, and the 3DS is now capable of loading romhacks on all firmware if you weren't one of the unfortunate users lost in the great Browserhax nuking of 10/26/2015. Finally get access to Star Sapphire and Neo X. "Breathing" rocket engine that can hit Mach 5 and fly directly into orbit, allowing for multi-use space planes. Supposedly we'll be seeing these on passenger jets capable of space flight in two decades, and a reusable space access vehicle in 10-15 years! Getting a ticket to orbit would be cool.
yeah me. two grenades went off outside the paris football stadium then people in five different parts of paris started opening fire on civilians the death toll is estimated at over 40 (probably nearer to 60) right about now there are a bunch of hostages at a concert.
Paul Rand wants to bar off the French as well