Hello, I have a problem with the Multiplayer. If I click on "create new game" I will send to "Loading Replay" and then nothing. It loads and loads and loads, it doesn't come to an end with loading. And sometimes there comes a "Failed to start Game" but it often come "Loading Replay". I dont't know how to fix this issue and I need help. Millitary-1999
Have you ever used mods? If so, try running PA with --nomods to disable mod loading and see if that helps. Otherwise, post a PA log of a session where you get that error. The logs can be found here: "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Uber Entertainment\Planetary Annihilation\log" You can copy-paste that location in the address bar of Explorer. The easiest way to get the correct log is to delete all of them, then start PA and try to create a new game to get the Loading Replay thing again. You can upload files to this forum using the "Upload a File" button here.
Nice find. But strange those logs. It seems to be connecting to the server just fine, but it never gets to the stage where is should receive the game config and start building the planets. Instead there are a whole bunch of lines like these: Code: [21:05:45.312] INFO client::ClientGame::resetGameStateInternal Can you try to go to Settings -> Server and set the local server to On? Then try an AI Skirmish game. Does that work?
I have the exact same problem when trying to host server or start battle in galactic war. I can join multiplayer games fine though. EDIT: I'll try to post a log when I'm back at my pc later today.
Hmm, so that means that the PA client at least can successfully connect to stuff. Can you try disabling firewalls, virus scanners, and ad blockers and try to connect to a multiplayer server again? You seem to have the exact opposite problem. Anyway, also for both of you, check the list of incompatible software: http://steamcommunity.com/app/233250/discussions/2/558751813508748383/
I don't think that the antivirus make problems because I don't have an antivirus and I don't have incompatible software. And sometimes I can create a game and sometimes there come this two issues (failed to start game and loading replay).
Hmm, both of you seem to have the "client::ClientGame::resetGameStateInternal" thing. I've done some more searching and it seems quite a number of people actually have the problem of getting stuck in the "Loading Replay" screen. Most notably here: https://forums.uberent.com/threads/...tarting-multiplayer-games-or-1v1-ranked.69086 So that seems to point to a bug in PA maybe. Just to be on the safe side, could both of you try a clean boot? Instructions are here: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/929135/ (@mkrater : Is this a known issue? If so, would these logs help?)
@mineralkus @Johuotar Can you try changing your server to something other than EUWest and see if you can get through?
Same problem here need to restart titans, a few times before it lets me create a game without loading a replay
Oh wow i think it works now ! EUWest works and USCentral works. I can create a game now... cool!! I don't know what I did to fix the problem but I think it was the clean boot.
We've got a temp solution working right now, but I'm happy to hear it's working! We hope to have it fully resolved soon.