This is where we can all spam our screenshots of random crap flying into the air while attached to balloons. Got my key a few hours late. Got kinda paranoid and pizzed off because I bought it off a grey market site but as it turns out it was because Konami was being silly and buggering up the release times. Anyway, downloading it now. ~1.5 hours to go! Won't even be able to play it properly tonight but... FULTONS!
I think I lost interest with each trailer. The E3 2014 (or whatever the Mike Oldfield one was) was pretty damn good. But the current one on the steam page, and the launch trailer, are full of just that kinda corny "ULTIMATE GAME" taglines and constant character subtitles of "A rogue man with shady past" descriptions it reminds me that MGS just -isn't- a franchise for me.
Me playing the prologue: Mmmk this is a bit slow... Starting to pick up a bit... This is pretty tense... Holy duck! Getawaygetawaygetaway Go away! Go look somewhere else! DON'T. MOVE. Did I accidentally buy Silent Hill!? What the flipping duck!? Oh god WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING. NOPENOPENOPE RUN AWAY. WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!? DID THAT [REDACTED] JUST SUMMON A [REDACTED] TO EXPLODE THAT HELICOPTER!? GET AWAY FROM MEEEEE!!! EAT BULLETS! Oh duck you ate them... Prologue finished. Now random screenshots: My helichopper plays Ride of the Valkyries when it shows up because that's what all self-respecting military helichoppers do. PS: Game ran at a near-constant 60fps. Every now and then it'll drop about 5 frames by a couple of seconds but nothing even remotely noticeable let alone problematic.
Not sure how well I'd even run it. Every pay-day I'm like "I'M GONNA UPGRADE THIS PC NOW" and then forget xD
Not sure how much the 4GB RAM is going to hold you back but the rest of your system should be just fine. The GPU is certainly good enough. Moar screens!
Yeah, I mean I have money now, but I'm still cheap af so prolly gonna incrementally increase memory first, then the CPU, then eventually GPU if I get some sudden windfall of dosh
I'm sure the PC master race subreddit can confirm whether or not you'll be able to play it but I'm 99% sure you can at least run it.
that's actually quite good. Keep the graphic card it's great I have one. just slap in 4more gigs of ram in there or more if you can and maybe add an SSD and put the OS on there. and yes you can already run it
Planning to. Shopping for PC parts gives me a headache though. Oh, and I did look into some semi-spoilerish stuff on MGSV, and... Ugh. Kojima, you can't make us "feel ashamed" for a naked character when the "tragic" aspect of their character comes off as a thinly-veiled excuse to make that character naked.
this guy's hillarious but he doesn't realize the 80's cassettes are a wink konami are making to this :