Texture Buffering sucking all my ram out of my computer?!

Discussion in 'Support!' started by 1zombie2012, August 30, 2015.

  1. 1zombie2012

    1zombie2012 New Member

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    Ive had a problem where the game crashes and causes low memory errors for a while and i had no idea why it did this, until i found the GPU Memory tab in game and i saw that Texture Buffering was taking all my memory.
    Texture Buffering had taken 1645 MB of my memory, topping the whole game off at taking 2110 MB of my memory, crashing it. Ive had this problem for as long as i could remember (at least since last November) and i haven't visited the game in a while and i want to play again, but i cant because game keeps crashing and causing low memory errors.

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  2. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    Please can you post a DXDiag so we can see system specs.

    PA uses lots of memory, 2gb really isn't much (PA can use 16gb + on a large map)....

    Edit: 2gb vram usage is pretty normal, what are you trying to run PA on? It does require a fairly modern PC...
  3. bgolus

    bgolus Uber Alumni

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    Please also post your log file. This might be related to a number of memory leaks we've been tracking down, and hopefully the log has some info we can use to narrow our search.
  4. 1zombie2012

    1zombie2012 New Member

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    Alright, here is my latest log file and my DxDiag. Thanks 4 the help, steam forums seem to be less helpful...

    Also, it does seem like i could be a memory leak, i use one planet systems almost all the time, and the planet is no bigger then 400, so i dont see how the game could take so much Ram.

    And i use to play this game on medium settings with systems of 7+ planets and up to 8 different teams, so i dont see how everything could just flip flop upside down one day...

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  5. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    I think this might be your problem:
    Driver Date/Size: 9/28/2012

    PA is *very* sensitive to drivers. You need to go to www.Intel.com and get your latest gpu drivers.

    As it's a laptop, you'll need to download the .zip version and follow the instructions given here:
  6. 1zombie2012

    1zombie2012 New Member

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    yeah, i almost knew it was the drivers, seeing they're that old, it set off a few alarm bells, but thanks for the links.
    cdrkf likes this.
  7. 1zombie2012

    1zombie2012 New Member

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    For christmas, im probably gonna build my own gaming desktop with the help of my friends mother, who is a computer tech. and ill probably get 16 gb ram.
    cdrkf likes this.
  8. 1zombie2012

    1zombie2012 New Member

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    Alright, i can last for about a 20 minute game, but by then all my ram will be gone, i can play now, but only for a limited amount of time, whereas before i could play over an hour and a half (once did with my friends)

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