Orbital Transports: A suggestion to fix (Easy!)

Discussion in 'PA: TITANS: General Discussion' started by krazyflyinchicken, August 27, 2015.

  1. krazyflyinchicken

    krazyflyinchicken New Member

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    Hey guys.

    Got this idea while tossing ideas about on reddit, thought it might get better attention here:

    1v1 games. They're almost exclusively played on a single planet because starting on two separate planets is silly. Quitch put it best (on reddit):

    "Yeah, the problem with the different planet thing is it comes down simply to who has the better build order. There's no reason for variation in your game until you make contact with the enemy, which is why the sooner the two forces meet, the better." - Quitch

    So let's fix orbital transports, and make early-game, interplanetary harrasment a real thing.

    Make the orbital transport either:
    A) Very cheap/built quickly/fast interplanetary travel time.
    B) Allow the transport to move groups of units, instead of a singular ones.

    This will open up more possibilities for 1v1 maps that take place on more than one planet. Finally, we can have maps where orbital supremacy is key.

    Let me know what you think!
  2. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    afiak they were working on actual multiunittransports though it´s in a very early stage were they are messing with the austreus being able more thanone unit .. it´s likely however that if multiunittransports will be a thing that they will visualy show what they carry i think ..

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