Stuck on login accepted

Discussion in 'Support!' started by benzilla3, August 27, 2015.

  1. benzilla3

    benzilla3 New Member

    Likes Received:
    Whenever I join multiplayer it gets stuck on login accepted FOREVER

    I have no firewall or antivirus blocking it and I even opened ports 9000-9015

    I have this problem for both PA and PA:T
  2. DeathByDenim

    DeathByDenim Post Master General

    Likes Received:
    Well, you are being blocked by something. (Btw, the range is 9000-9100)
    Can you post a PA log from a session where you tried to join a multiplayer game? You can find the logs here:
    Windows: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Uber Entertainment\Planetary Annihilation\log (Just copy-paste that in the address bar of Explorer)
    OSX: ~/Library/Application Support/Uber Entertainment/Planetary Annihilation/log
    Linux: ~/.local/Uber Entertainment/Planetary Annihilation/log
  3. benzilla3

    benzilla3 New Member

    Likes Received:
    [11:35:17.035] ERROR Error decoding message from server: malformed UTF-16 sequence
    [11:35:17.035] ERROR Error decoding message from server: malformed UTF-16 sequence
    [11:35:17.035] ERROR Error decoding message from server: malformed UTF-16 sequence
    [11:35:17.035] ERROR Error decoding message from server: malformed UTF-16 sequence
    [11:35:17.238] INFO 11463 decals generated.
    [11:35:18.080] INFO 137152 total planet faces.
    [11:35:18.236] INFO 0 feature decals generated.
    [11:35:19.720] INFO build complete: 1.94 sec (1.94 sec)
    PlanetBuilder::buildAsync: 1.94 sec (1.94 sec)
    BuildMeshes: 479. msec (479. msec)
    Final: 98.5 msec (98.5 msec)
    SetupVT: 377. msec (377. msec)
    Water: 3.53 msec (3.53 msec)
    other: 4.10 usec
    Csg: 924. msec (924. msec)
    UpdateBVH: 78.1 msec (78.1 msec)
    other: 845. msec
    Features: 74.0 msec (74.0 msec)
    PostCopyFeatureDecals: 41.8 usec (41.8 usec)
    generate: 73.9 msec (73.9 msec)
    other: 2.05 usec
    Flow Water: 92.7 usec (92.7 usec)
    GenBrushes: 35.1 msec (35.1 msec)
    PostCopyDecals: 708. usec (708. usec)
    other: 34.4 msec
    GenSurface: 486. usec (486. usec)
    GenWater: 2.73 msec (2.73 msec)
    PreCsg: 66.3 msec (66.3 msec)
    Create Surface Meshes: 52.5 msec (52.5 msec)
    Connectivity: 44.2 msec (44.2 msec)
    other: 8.37 msec
    other: 13.8 msec
    PreviewSurfaceIters: 23.4 msec (23.4 msec)
    computeBiomeDistance: 6.52 msec (6.52 msec)
    computePoleDistance: 165. usec (165. usec)
    computeWaterDistance: 12.2 msec (12.2 msec)
    genBiomes: 3.35 msec (3.35 msec)
    genHeight: 987. usec (987. usec)
    other: 178. usec
    UpdateBVH: 6.44 msec (6.44 msec)
    other: 327. msec
    other: 3.32 msec
    [11:35:19.188] ERROR Error decoding message from server: malformed UTF-16 sequence
    [11:35:24.602] ERROR Error decoding message from server: malformed UTF-16 sequence
    [11:35:25.616] ERROR Error decoding message from server: malformed UTF-16 sequence
    [11:35:32.120] ERROR Error decoding message from server: malformed UTF-16 sequence
    [11:35:34.117] ERROR Error decoding message from server: malformed UTF-16 sequence
    [11:35:39.859] ERROR Error decoding message from server: malformed UTF-16 sequence
    [11:35:40.185] ERROR Error decoding message from server: malformed UTF-16 sequence
    [11:35:41.387] ERROR Error decoding message from server: malformed UTF-16 sequence
    [11:35:43.305] INFO Resolving 0 callstacks
    [11:35:43.305] INFO Resolve complete
    [11:35:43.305] INFO [COUI] Assert failure: This view doesn't support binding yet ViewImpl Id 0
    [11:35:43.305] INFO [COUI] Assert failure: This view doesn't support binding yet ViewImpl Id 0
    [11:35:43.305] INFO [COUI] Assert failure: This view doesn't support binding yet ViewImpl Id 0
    [11:35:43.321] INFO [COUI] Assert failure: This view doesn't support binding yet ViewImpl Id 3
    [11:35:43.321] INFO [COUI] Assert failure: This view doesn't support binding yet ViewImpl Id 3
    [11:35:43.321] INFO [COUI] Assert failure: This view doesn't support binding yet ViewImpl Id 3
    [11:35:43.321] INFO [COUI] Assert failure: This view doesn't support binding yet ViewImpl Id 4
    [11:35:43.321] INFO [COUI] Assert failure: This view doesn't support binding yet ViewImpl Id 4
    [11:35:43.321] INFO [COUI] Assert failure: This view doesn't support binding yet ViewImpl Id 4
    [11:35:43.321] INFO Shutting down CoherentUI
  4. benzilla3

    benzilla3 New Member

    Likes Received:
    Thanks for the reply, I couldn't post the full logs because they were too long. I just posted the parts where I was getting errors.
  5. benzilla3

    benzilla3 New Member

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  6. benzilla3

    benzilla3 New Member

    Likes Received:
    Nvm I just fixed it q-q

    all over my stupid name

    Anyways thanks for the help lol
  7. DeathByDenim

    DeathByDenim Post Master General

    Likes Received:
    Ah, that bug... It used to crash PA. :)
    Well, glad you got it working.

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