The Realm has set up a little WhatsApp group for anyone (not just Realm members!) to talk Planetar TIT, i.e. Planetary Annihilation. We are aware that there are other messaging services, like the awesome in-game / pa-stats /, but some people may find WhatsApp a little more convenient, as it has a reasonably decent mobile app, as well as a web client. If you'd like to join, PM me or TheWrongCat (@cwarner7264) with your mobile number including country code.
"WrongCat is overly concerned about giving out not-very-private details on the internet" - burntcustard's last words before being vibrated to death by spam text messages, 25/8/2015.
By the way if you're joining this, I HIGHLY recommend you turn group notifications off or at least down to minimal. Otherwise well, you can guess.