Hello! Just found this: C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\Planetary Annihilation Titans\media\pa_ex1\units\orbital\orbital_carrier Not seen it game, maybe an upcoming unit?
Not sure about that picture, but that units is not the Astraeus Code: { "base_spec": "/pa/units/orbital/base_orbital/base_orbital.json", "display_name": "Exodus", "description": "Orbital Carrier- Can load up to 12 units.", "max_health": 800, "build_metal_cost": 2000, "system_velocity_multiplier": 10.0, "gravwell_velocity_multiplier": 5.0, "usable": true, "attachable": { "offsets": { "root": [0, 0, 0] } }, "unit_types": ["UNITTYPE_Orbital", "UNITTYPE_Mobile", "UNITTYPE_Transport", "UNITTYPE_Advanced", "UNITTYPE_FactoryBuild"], "command_caps": ["ORDER_Move", "ORDER_Patrol", "ORDER_Assist", "ORDER_Load", "ORDER_Unload", "ORDER_SpecialMove"], "events": { "build_complete": { "audio_cue": "/SE/Build_Complete/orbital" }, "died": { "audio_cue": "/SE/Death/orbital" } }, "audio": { "loops": { "move": { "cue": "/SE/Movement/orbital/orbital_transport_loop", "flag": "vel_changed", "should_start_func": "is_moving", "should_stop_func": "is_not_moving" } } }, "fx_offsets": [{ "type": "moving", "filename": "/pa/units/air/gunship/gunship_jets.pfx", "bone": "bone_leftThruster", "offset": [0, -3.793, 0], "orientation": [0, 180, 0] }, { "type": "moving", "filename": "/pa/units/air/gunship/gunship_jets.pfx", "bone": "bone_rightThruster", "offset": [0, -3.793, 0], "orientation": [0, 180, 0] }, { "type": "moving", "filename": "/pa/units/air/gunship/gunship_jets.pfx", "bone": "bone_jet01", "offset": [0, -2.694, 0], "orientation": [0, 180, 0] }, { "type": "moving", "filename": "/pa/units/air/gunship/gunship_jets.pfx", "bone": "bone_jet02", "offset": [0, -2.694, 0], "orientation": [0, 180, 0] }, { "type": "moving", "filename": "/pa/units/air/gunship/gunship_jets.pfx", "bone": "bone_jet03", "offset": [0, -2.694, 0], "orientation": [0, 180, 0] }, { "type": "moving", "filename": "/pa/units/air/gunship/gunship_jets.pfx", "bone": "bone_jet04", "offset": [0, -2.694, 0], "orientation": [0, 180, 0] }], "useable": { "type": "transport", "range": 30 }, "transporter": { "capacity": 12, "transportable_unit_types": "(Mobile & Land) | (Fabber & (Air | Naval))", "transporter_attach_bone": "bone_payload", "transportable_attach_offset": "head" }, "navigation": { "type": "orbital", "acceleration": 25, "brake": 25, "move_speed": 25, "turn_speed": 360, "hover_time": -1.0, "vertical_speed": 200 }, "physics": { "radius": 8, "push_class": 25, "gravity_scalar": 0.001 }, "recon": { "observer": { "items": [{ "layer": "surface_and_air", "channel": "sight", "shape": "capsule", "radius": 100 }, { "layer": "orbital", "channel": "sight", "shape": "sphere", "radius": 300 }, { "layer": "underwater", "channel": "sight", "shape": "capsule", "radius": 100 }] } }, "model": { "filename": "/pa/units/orbital/orbital_carrier/orbital_carrier.papa", "animations": { "open": "/pa/units/orbital/orbital_lander/orbital_lander_anim_open.papa", "deploy": "/pa/units/orbital/orbital_lander/orbital_lander_anim_deploy.papa", "closed": "/pa/units/orbital/orbital_lander/orbital_lander_anim_closed.papa" }, "animtree": "/pa/anim/anim_trees/satellite_launched_anim_tree.json" }, "mesh_bounds": [30, 20, 10], "TEMP_texelinfo": 23.9658 }
The picture is the Astraeus, which is what I was referring to. I haven't looked through the files; looks like they were using it as a placeholder model for testing out a multi-unit transport. Wonder if the concept was dropped or if it's still being worked on...
It is what the commander was lifted with in the trailer to be placed on the top of a rocket. It is closed currently (as closed is its idle animation) it does not have the animation bones anymore either. Source: I created skeletons for both this and the original commander in the trailer.
it's the KS astraeus rewatch the video. they never got it working that way so instead we have another unit
and by the way i'd be great to get that fixed one day because not getting that KS workings for it ruined hopes and dreams
You're both mistaken. The image posted is identical to the in-game astraeus, not the one in the trailer. There are many differences; it has 2 top boosters instead of 4, 2 sliding sections each for the arms instead of a rigid section, top part is angular and splits apart, etc.
i'm talking about it's incapacity to lift the commander or unit up on top of the rocket then launch and move to another planet
Are you sure about that? The unit file nixtempestas posted suggests it's just a multi-unit transport.
They just put that model in there as a placeholder I'd imagine, the model has been in the game since super early alpha under the name "egg" and now it IS the egg. This is the model of what your commander comes down in.
The model is the Astraeus model in closed form, which is what it looks like when launched from the orbital launcher and is reused in the commander landing effect. That unit was tvinita getting excited about some old code that hasn't been touched since the original system was written 2 years ago (and never worked properly).
Told you it was the egg! Also I hope he gets excited with it again some time, so we can see it work properly. ;D
I believe that file is literally the extent of the work on that unit. He wrote it, ask why it didn't work, was told why, and it was forgotten.