What's the one constant? UBER ACCOUNTS! Stick Titans on the Uber store, give eligible customers are coupon or whatever, let them get a Steam key if they want to, and PROBLEM SOLVED! @jables pls?
I believe any discount (including coupons) break as all discounts add up and anything above 99% makes it where you just can't buy the game. I'm talking to Valve to see what we can do to make it better, but being we are currently doing what they suggested, I'm not sure anything will come of it.
What speaks against adding a "Titans, requires PA"-DLC option onto the base game? But yeah I guess ask valve and tell them what they suggested isn't sufficient
Don't quote me on this, but if I recall, adding coupons to sales adds the coupon after the sale price, because it adds it in the cart, rather than the store. I've used coupons during sales and I think that was the case, but it was a long time ago. Still, that'd bring it to $5. Either way, would it not then be possible to issue coupons after the two month period is up?
You guys rock. I won't have the spare money (college!) To pick it up for some time, and I think I'd like to, so if you can figure this out it sure would be amazing!