it freakin annoying is what it is. but as usual so long as one gets the hose everyday of his life he'll never imagine what it is to not get the hose for once, eh?
It means that I can't make this: ''' or ### because as far as PA is concerned that key of my german keyboard doesn't exist.
this is freakin base support guys I can't really think of one other game name right now that doesn't know this key
? i poseess a querty keyboard from my days in america and it has that key the above picture is of a querty keyboard as well
This looks like it is an issue of how key events are forwarded from SDL2 to CoherentUI but the API documentation isn't really helpful: Edit: If you really want to know how it works, here is an example for CryEngine: The interesting part is at line 327. It looks like CryEngine has its own key code layout, so there is an additional conversion going on that usually isn't needed. All the VK_* are Windows symbols that belong to the Windows Virtual Keyboard key codes.