A few days ago I kept on soft crashing on the PAX system ("connection to server lost", i was the only one that lost connection though so it wasn't a server crash) and it was very weird. But twice, i reconnected with no vision of units. This seems to be a recurring bug, and I'm not sure if it's known yet. I have no reliable way to reproduce other than keep reconnecting and hope it happens. @masterdigital Other people seem to have the same issue.
It is a known issue which is difficult to repro. I am interested in client logs where the bug occurred, since I added logging to help me track down the issue.
I'll post logs here when I get home, they should still be in my pc. Although I'm not sure which log is the one with no vision so I might post all of the recent ones.
@masterdigital All of these logs are from a single game, which probably indicates something else wrong. But the more recent ones should show something about no vision i guess. Instead of going through each one, i think PA-2015-08-19_011943 is around the time when i reconected with no vision, although i'm not 100% sure. It happened twice in a row too.
@masterdigital Something similar happen to me this morning: PA:T crashed and when reconnecting there was no units, just empty planets. After a moment the trees started to reappear, slowly. Then after the units came back. It seemed quite long, but as I'm was gaming I not sure how much. I would say around 1 minute. Here are 2 logs: Precrash: PA-2015-08-24_110123.txt Postcrash: PA-2015-08-24_125214.txt http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=07019221520591292324 (those logs are to big to upload here directly because I was using those flags PA --coherent-log-level=TRACE --gl-debug. Unfortunately, some mods were enabled...) Game ID: 13926184455541455943 Duration: 37:44 . Regards
This issue was not fixed in the new update. I did not experience the bug however, someone else did in a game.
I managed to load a replay where the units weren't loading. Here's the log. It's very rare for me though...
The log data is consistent with other logs I have received. Were you ever successful at loading that replay?
I just tried it five times in a row and it worked four times. So, yeah, rare. If it helps for comparison, I've also included a log where I successfully connected to the replay.
@jables You asked in PAStats if there were logs about this bug where units are invisible. In this thread they are.
@masterdigital Just reproduced with lobbyId 669127512155095840 and there were multiple issues with this game: my client froze during game start, reconnected after auto landing with no build bar restarted laptop killed while restarting :-( timed out of game (no reconnect option) no longer show as player in lobby (now showing N30N as a player who joined mid game as an always spectator) spectate fails with loginRejected reconnect again as spectator (still show as player in game) correct vision flags for player but now a player who died and is spectating takes a very long time to show game over toggle first player vision and then all vision to see units Code: {"Region":"USCentral","LobbyID":"669127512155095840","BuildVersion":"88163","GameMode":"PAExpansion1:Config","Map":"default","MaxPlayers":9,"PlayerUberNames":["waidhofer","killerkiwijuice","checkbox2","steam110000102aacad2","n00n"],"RunTime":"00:30:04","GameServerState":"playing","TitleData":"{\"uuid\":\"Z44PJzLDquDpj43Z678YZ3kSlPkte9II\",\"players\":6,\"blacklist\":[],\"started\":true,\"full\":false,\"player_names\":[\"waidhofer\",\"|\\u22b0iller|\\u22b0iwi\",\"Senketsu\",\"checkbox2\",\"Diemk2\",\"N30N\"],\"creator\":\"waidhofer\",\"bounty_mode\":true,\"max_players\":6,\"required_content\":[\"PAExpansion1\"],\"mode\":\"FreeForAll\",\"mod_names\":[\"Display Rank\",\"Game Invites\",\"Lobby System Preview\",\"Ready Up\",\"PA Server Mod Manager\",\"PA Stats Server\"],\"spectators\":0,\"max_spectators\":3,\"cheat_config\":{\"cheat_flags\":{\"allow_change_vision\":false,\"allow_mod_data_updates\":false,\"allow_change_control\":false,\"allow_create_unit\":false,\"any_enabled\":false}},\"spectator_names\":[],\"whitelist\":[],\"require_password\":false,\"tag\":\"Casual\",\"game\":{\"system\":{\"name\":\"Jungle\",\"planets\":[{\"name\":\"Earth\",\"position\":[17900,1300],\"mass\":10000,\"required_thrust_to_move\":0,\"starting_planet\":true,\"velocity\":[-12.09025764465332,166.47346496582031],\"generator\":{\"seed\":1212708864,\"numArmies\":2,\"temperature\":90,\"radius\":700,\"heightRange\":65,\"waterHeight\":30.000001907348633,\"symmetryType\":\"terrain\",\"waterDepth\":0,\"metalDensity\":100,\"biomeScale\":39.99999997252165,\"metalClusters\":100,\"biome\":\"metal\",\"symmetricalMetal\":false,\"symmetricalStarts\":false,\"landingZonesPerArmy\":0,\"landingZoneSize\":0}}]},\"name\":\"Bount\"},\"bounty_value\":0.25,\"sandbox\":false}"},
Was this the game where I spammed mass turrets? Nevermind, just looked at the code. So yeah it was. I was wondering what was going on ;-;