Why must people who paid by Early Access 90 till 40 Euros , pay for Titans 13 Euros ?

Discussion in 'PA: TITANS: General Discussion' started by starsauron, August 23, 2015.


Is it fair if Early Access get the game free ?

  1. No, the discount is fair. 13 Euros is OK for this "Addon"

    56 vote(s)
  2. Yes , for EA who pay 90 Euros.

    16 vote(s)
  3. Yes , for EA who pay 60 Euros.

    11 vote(s)
  4. Yes , for EA who pay 40 Euros.

    6 vote(s)
  5. Yes , for All EA.

    8 vote(s)
  6. Yes for all owners , after EA, who own the game PA.

    2 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. starsauron

    starsauron Member

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    Why must people who paid by Early Access 90 till 40 Euros , pay for Titans 13 Euros ?
    Multiple response's selection Allowed.

    Hello there, I am Steam Customer and Early Access buyer.
    Yes I do refund games, yes I do write by games a bad review if they are in my opinion bad.

    Anyway there are a lot of small indie RTS and Early Access games I own and play.
    And did write a good review.

    I own and like/love RTS/write a good review.



    Conflicks - Revolutionary Space Battles

    Toy Soldiers: Complete

    Its ok for me if the game isn't really ready, honestly give credit for at least trying.
    Exapmple: I had to wait really long by Toy Soldiers: Complete for working multiplayer and it was by release extreme laggy. Its still Early Access, they released a new game, Ubisoft the second worst Publisher with U-play is owner. But I still love this produkt , because I fell taken serious and that the people there are 100% behind the project. And it is ok to buy in some time Toy Soldiers: War Chest, because it has 8 Armies.
    So like 6 totally new factions.

    It hurts me too if my favorite game is down voted like Etherium.
    It hurts me too if I read Etherium is a bad game and do read by reviews totally ridiculous stuff.
    Like it must be for free, its cheap SupCom copy,
    Crash all the time, but i have around 40 hours and never had a crash.
    One of the best AI i have seen ever, Is able to defeat an experienced gamer, but some people say its bad.
    Bad graphics, but looks really awesome.

    I am a RTS fan and gamer.
    And I can understand if some stuff don't develop the way the developers wanted or gamers expected.

    Uber Entertainments Planetary Annihilation is in my Opinion the worst game I experienced by Early Access.

    The current State of PA after release was OK, it was maybe just the best the Uber Entertainment can do.
    We think they did their best, maybe they will have by next project more luck. Let it be, let it go we will support you by next good project once more.

    The release of PA-Titans is just slap in the face.
    There is so mayn stuff not done, so many promises not fulfilled and please buddy must pay again.

    1 It was requested to have a game equal to supreme commander.
    - continue the gamer after commander is dead.
    - Lock Nukes, Units,Titans or Planet throwers
    - Game speed controls
    Stuff actually easy to do , but not done.

    2 They never made a real singeplayer campaign. Its just random missions.
    It was expected to have John Patrick Lowrie as Narrator back for the missions.

    3 It was promised to have faction here.
    But we have here just 1 faction. Its just a different color in the "galactic campaign".
    Names like Legonis Machina; The Foundation; The Synchronous; The Revenants let you actually thing,
    hey 4 different factions here, but its just faction Red, Blue, Green and Purple.

    In My Opinion Uber Entertainment lost their dignity with PA-Titans release.
    A majority of Customers from steam early access feel betrayed and not taken serious.

    PA-Titans is not the last drop after a series of fails, broken promises and expectation.
    It's actually to expect from people who did pay to support the series. To pay again.
    Early Access pay to support the Product. Release buyers pay to own the product.

    But even there PA-Titans offer so little,
    that you must honestly ask why must all steam customers of PA pay again ?
    It feels forced to buy the new product, by removal of the PA original.
    It feels cheated and deceived by a sudden release of almost same Product,
    where you have as a Supporter, not regular owner to pay once more.

    Ok it was maybe just miscalculated, but even after the request for make it fair.
    Receive as answer "That's bad luck , Deal with it!" goes in my opinion in wrong way.

    An honest question, is it really that Impossible to give for people who supported the game with 40 or more Euros PA-Titans for free ? They only demand to get what they did payed for by Early Access.
    Elate likes this.
  2. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    Separate unit sets for separate factions were never planned. Neither was a singplayer campaign. Neither was a Supreme Commander reboot.

    PA was only ever a spiritual successor to Supreme Commander.

    Everyone who backed PA during Kickstarter got it for free and every early access buyer gets a 66% discount. That doesn't sound greedy to me. You can't expect an indie studio to work for free. People don't fully understand the amount of work that goes into something like Titans. It's a lot.

    You chose to pay that much.
    nateious, Greendolph, MrTBSC and 3 others like this.
  3. xanoxis

    xanoxis Active Member

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    Let me just get it straight, backers are more important because of the right time and right place. EA was set up to have opportunity to buy game early.
    Greendolph and MrTBSC like this.
  4. starsauron

    starsauron Member

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    By give it for 90 Euros EA Supporters for free, it still 75 Euros uber does keep.
    By people who payed 90 Euros to support this game and did have a promise of a good game,
    say Deal with it and ignore them, pay 13 Euros for game that is obvious just a patch with 8 new units,
    is the most greedy, selfish , unfriendly and short sighted company policy I have ever encountered.

    Yes it is an indie developer, we people are aware that this isn't easy and so on.
    For most people Uber Entertainment broke their promises and betrayed the community.
  5. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    It's actually 21 units. And it's not just units that have been added.

    And I keep hearing people say Uber "broke promises" but I've yet to hear what promises are broken.
    nateious and stuart98 like this.
  6. starsauron

    starsauron Member

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    OK even if PA-Titans is a legit full Addon, even if the people are angry for no reason.

    Still, 90 till 50 Euros supporter in Early Access deserve this for free.

    Look maybe what Early Access says.

    Is this the same as pre-purchasing a game?
    No. Early Access is a full purchase of a playable game. By purchasing, you gain immediate access to download and play the game in its current form and as it evolves. You keep access to the game, even if the game later moves from Early Access into fully released.

    Kick Stater and Early Access signed on same conditions.

    We did see that Kick Stater already abandoned for good Uber Entertainment, by the game Human resources.
    Now Early Access who are a much larger group, OK not everyone on same money level support,
    but sill much larger group, get this slap in the face.

    Uber Entertainment ruined the Image and scared off a lot of former fans.
    What future Project expect they to finance this way ?

    Just one thing, yes the damage is done and the people have formed their opinion,
    but it seems like this company isn't even trying.

    There are so many other indie developers who manage this, care for all fans and respond correctly on issues.
    Who work with much lesser budget and lesser resources, and still makes much better games.

    Uber Entertainment is meanwhile just a fallen angel.
  7. Matster

    Matster Active Member

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    A recommendation to the EA buyers. Read on Steam what EA really is and not dream about it. Its not a backing or funding platform its just an option for people to play games sooner in its early development process and that is all. Uber explicility recommended not to buy the game till it gets down to normal price. Kickstarter on the other hand being a founding platform does prescribe that founders need to get something in return as a reward although the project may never be finished.
    stuart98, Greendolph and MrTBSC like this.
  8. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    Why do you deserve it for free? You paid for PA. You didn't pay for anything else.

    The Early Access "as it evolves" thing means you own the game. It doesn't entitle you to future DLC, expansions, sequels or what have you. No developer has any obligation to do anything with their game post-launch besides bug fixes.
  9. tracert

    tracert Member

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    I think EA players should get a discount higher than post release owners of PA Classic (such as myself). Not for free though.

    Can you say what promises they broke?
  10. starsauron

    starsauron Member

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    TITANS - the update adding the missing features like tutorial.
    They are basically asking to pay for a game you already own and you already paid for.
    For a game you were told to have your updates FREE.

    And fix AI/Bots=
    - AI is pretty bad, which makes singleplayer kinda pointless, it mainly resorts to massive econ and unit spam, racing it early on is pretty much a guaranteed win regardless of difficulty
    - "kill-the-king" mechanic, destroying the enemy commander (or losing your own) ends the battle, also kills singleplayer since the AI does not protect its commander properly (even if massively outnumbered, you can sneak a kill on the commander and win easily)

    The biggest error I see here was the silence and the release just at the next day it was announced.
    The worst I see here i, that the community is divided and it was obviously avoidable.
    Most outrageous that 90 Euros Supporters, don't get it for free.

    And just to be honest, without the free keys for Kick Stater,
    all people would say its wrong to want money for PA-Titans, its just a patch, it must be for free.

    A community deserves an equal treatment. And I am sure Kickstater wont support they next project too.

    Rust in peace Planetary Annihilation Series :(
  11. xanoxis

    xanoxis Active Member

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    If a fan don't want to pay 13$ for very solid work made in 10 months by passionate engineers and designers, he never was a fan.

    When I saw PAT in store, my first reaction was to buy it instantly, because I knew it gives me more of what I want. Only thing that stopped me is that I got it free and now I rather save money, so its win win for me.
    stuart98 and Bsport like this.
  12. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    They're asking you to pay $13 THIRTEEN DOLLARS.

    And there's still no reason $90 EA buyers should get extra content for free.
  13. scallus

    scallus New Member

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    To be honest... I'm fed up with you all saying "it's unfair that we have to pay for this update". Let me go over the facts

    -Money issues-
    --> For kickstarters:
    "The lucky ones" They supported the game when the game wasn't even a game yet. They decided how much money Über could get from them. As a reward They got the game and some extra's (depending on the amount of money they had given. But no where was mentioned "This game and future updates including DLC etc". Übers decision to give TItans to the kickstarters was just to say 'Thank you guys without you kickstarters, this game wasn't possible".
    --> For steam early access
    "The unlucky ones" --> These people paid a full blown 90$ (or € depending on the country <-- we Europians are so unlucky !) Yet again no where there was a statement that this game and future updates included + DLCs were covered. You paid the 90$/€ for getting the ALPHA access + some extra's, if my mind is correct there was an additional commander skin. etc. Yet again, the users paying the 90$/€ decided if the money was worth it or not.
    BUT at this stage the game was already Live (being Alpha - hence Alpha access).
    (Side note: For myself I was a steam user who has bought himself into the Beta access around 30€ I thought.)

    For all the people who belong to the "Unlucky ones" and didn't get the Titans update... to bad I must say. Be happy that there is a huge discount. Next time if you find the game worth it... get into kickstarter then, and hope you don't loose money since giving money on kickstarter is more of a risk than on steam!

    - Game issues-

    During the development of the game there were alot of issues. But this is part of the development. When the game came out, also many performance remained etc. or mechanics broken. (Units disapearing any1? disconnects... any one?) Now let me tell you something The Uber crew hasn't been sitting down enjoying cocktails, Since release a steady stream of updates and new features! is released. And even today they promissed to keep updating the performance of PA AND PA:TITANS. I dare you guys, who are moaning about incomplete game, to search the web/your personal game collection for another developer with such dedication!

    So to conclude, I think Über is doing there best, and I dont mind paying for DLC. (As long as they don't cost the full game each time... --> Get an example to Europa Universalis IV) And I think they do a great job at supporting the game! Thumbs up for your dedication, I hope you guys can create PA 2!
  14. xanoxis

    xanoxis Active Member

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    Tutorial was in PA, it was only not polished.

    If you were actually on forums you would know there was going to be something released soon, we only did not known what it was exactly.

    "Most outrageous that X Euros Supporters, don't get it for free." - see? I gave you a recipe to be angry at price no matter what.

    And just like I said, I was 90$ backer and I would buy Titans in a heart beat. You really are blinded by being so cheap about this. So many fans would buy this, because its solid expansion. YOU are not a fan, you are here for free stuff, because other kid got his candy, and you didn't, even if you have discount and price is fair for 10 months of work. Many backers buy commanders in store just to support Uber. Even those 100+$ backers.

    This generation of people is really focused on DESERVING things. You deserve nothing, you bought product, PA, and Uber giving this game for free for anyone is a gift, not something they should do, nor should do for everyone. Its a company, its a product, its good, if you like it buy it, if you dont, dont. Simple as that. If you bought game for 90$ and did not get moneys worth, thats just weird. Because I have like, 500 hours played, and game was awesome.
  15. starsauron

    starsauron Member

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    My personal point is, I don't see real development by PA Series or good Community management.
    Basic features, that you can obviously see like.
    - Lock Nukes, Units,Titans or Planet throwers
    - Game speed controls

    After years of development are never mentioned as be on to do list or what's ever.

    If PA Titans did at least maybe single player Missions, with a narrator, that would have been an Addon.

    After all that time, I never experienced here real game development or good Community management.

    PA-Titans is for me the point, to give this Company and game series up.
  16. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    What the hell is a "lock nuke"? It doesn't matter what you can and can't see. The work is there. You can't see electrons but it doesn't stop you from using electricity.
  17. starsauron

    starsauron Member

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    My Point is. As PA started to kick stater and Early access ,
    it has been requested to have an equal game compare to SupCom.

    2 points have been several time requested, like from SupCom.

    Most Important for Multiplayer is to disable some buildings, because some people want to win with just units.
    By the way it feels like cheap victory if win just by nuke or planet throwing.
    So you can start a server and say, ok guys I lock here Nukes, all people can't use them, lets have fun just who manages the best army. It's really disappointing if you have a big army and suddenly a planet or nuke lands on your commander. SupCom allows people to lock, disable or enable the stuff they want in game.
    Its a small easy to make tool, that does make a big impact and more variety in game experience.

    Game Speed Controls are essential for Singleplayer Experience,AI or Bots are everywhere predictable and you don't want to wait till your base is done and you simply crushed the AI by mass after build at point A 100 defense towers. It just feels better if you can speed up the game, a common tool in most RTS like Total Annihilation or Starcraft 2.

    All this has been just ignored, meanwhile for years.
  18. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    Anyone who expected the game to be equal to SupCom is delusional. SupCom was a AAA title with publisher backing. PA isn't.

    I'm pretty sure there's a mod that lets you lock out units. It'd be nice to have it in the base game, yes, but Uber was busy with more important things like the save system working.

    As for game speed, there may be an engine limitation that actually prevents anyone from being able to do that. I could be wrong, but if I am there's likely a mod for that too if you're so desperate.
  19. rivii

    rivii Well-Known Member

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    If you want PA to be equal to Supreme Commander than why don't you just donate another 10 milion dollars to Uber? Becauce thats pretty much the price difference in cost between the 2 games.

    Also you assume many things. Basic features like Nuke lock, might not be so basic as it seems. It all depends on underlying systems on how easy it is to implement. They take time, implementing it may take a couple of days, iterating, QA-testing, Iterating, finelizing. There is so much more to it.
    proeleert likes this.
  20. probodobodyne

    probodobodyne Active Member

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    You need the Unit Selector mod. See the thing with Planetary Annihilation is, you don't ask for everything to be official. A lot of ground is covered by modders and Uber generally does things only they can do.

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