A Petition was made on steam.

Discussion in 'PA: TITANS: General Discussion' started by brandonpotter, August 19, 2015.


Are they nuts?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. Gorbles

    Gorbles Post Master General

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    MrTBSC and tunsel11 like this.
  2. cybrankrogoth

    cybrankrogoth Active Member

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    Categorically speaking, people who paid through Kickstarter, I think they deserve it free.
    Those who paid for early access, were beneficial but not essential to make the game work.
    However as a matter of degree, those who put in $20 on KS get Titans free.
    I who paid $250 do not get Titans free.

    So I'd like to think, there's a bit of a problem.
    Setting that aside, it's a standalone game, so does that mean it has it's own engine? Or does it use the same engine as PA?
    maskedcrash likes this.
  3. Clopse

    Clopse Post Master General

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    So I payed $90 and am not happy. Happy with the update and happy with the content.

    I don't think anyone should get the game for fee or if so make better limits, as in if you payed full price or above for the copy you get it for free.

    The arguments I paid two fiddy and would easily pay for the expansion is not an argument, you probably well enough off that 10 dollars ain't much and you have gotten it for free either way.

    The $90 I payed for this game was for the continued developement of the game. Other than the experimentals the rest of the content should have been in game when released.

    Saying all that I will get a copy for free because of the tournament, and I will buy one. If it helps make this game better I'll do it. But I can for sure see both sides of the argument.

    Planetary abnihilation is dead, long live PA Titans I suppose.
    maskedcrash likes this.
  4. ace63

    ace63 Post Master General

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    Its the same engine.
  5. Going4Quests

    Going4Quests Active Member

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    Count one vote less for no. I first read the poll and then the post. I tought the poll was about Uber, which is why I said no.. But it should be yes seeing it's about the trolls. :'(
  6. Gorbles

    Gorbles Post Master General

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    You got continued development of the game. You got over a year of updates, including things the developers never originally promised.

    It's great to see you supporting Uber regardless, but this attitude of what people paid for is vastly inaccurate.

    Please stop saying that "X should've been in the game at release". That is entitlement, and it's something gamers never reacted well to when accused of. You can't say "X should've been in the game at release" for everything that you want. It's not physically possible.
    Quitch, eroticburrito, Nicb1 and 2 others like this.
  7. Clopse

    Clopse Post Master General

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    It's not entitlement. It was and is expected from the kickstarter videos. They wanted to make Planetary Annihilation have epic battles and epic this and that with continued development. Fixing bugs while working on this new game the last year and half is not continued development. I'd even argue that most of the pathing issues the last year were because of this new game.

    This is how the released PA should have been, just without the experimental units. Now the other game is completely dead.

    Again I'm super happy with the release. Super happy with what it has done to a game I love even with a lot of the stuff that has been missing. I know and understand why Uber have done it and agree with it. Just not how they went about it as usual. Just more of a fair issue.

    Why give kickstarter backers it for free? It's just beyond me. Surely if the people that paid $90 for the game before alpha got what they paid for those who did so in kickstarter also did?
    maskedcrash and kalherine like this.
  8. Devak

    Devak Post Master General

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    This is impossible to implement.

    So i'm one of the few who invested 90 euros in the Early Access and isn't flaming every subforum? I paid that money to see the dream that started with Total Annihilation continued, because such games deserve to be made. I'm happy PA is still successful enough to warrant DLC to begin with.
    cdrkf, doud, Quitch and 2 others like this.
  9. ace63

    ace63 Post Master General

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    We are few :)
    250 dollars here (cannot remember how many euros that were at that point) and epicly happy about titans (and I am no Kickstarter backer).
    stuart98, cdrkf, doud and 2 others like this.
  10. Gorbles

    Gorbles Post Master General

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    $90 or $100 (conversion to UK £ is a bit odd) here too :)

    (probably actually works out at $140 or so because USD is always weak compared to the pound sterling - I paid about £75)

    If you expect something from a Kickstarter concept video that they did not explicitly promise then yes, it is entitlement.

    PA does have epic battles. I haven't enjoyed a game of this scale since I played SupCom, and I actually enjoy a lot of the mechanics in PA a lot more. This is just my personal opinion, of course, but you can't deny that "epic battles" wasn't implemented pretty much from the get-go.

    I played the alpha build. I played the beta build. I played the build that was synced to Early Access (I never bothered activating my product on Steam). I've played the game, on and off, since it was released / past Gamma. To call the past 12 to 18 months of work "fixing bugs" is borderline offensive to the amount of work put in by the developers, which has finally culminated in Asteroids. This is ignoring the orbital layer (done twice before we even get to TITANS), the Unit Cannon, and countless other pieces of content the game was updated with.

    For someone "super happy" with the release, you're being rather critical of it in ways that suggest unhappiness. I don't understand how you can wave away the past 12 months as "bug fixes".
  11. Greendolph

    Greendolph Active Member

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    christer1966 and Nicb1 like this.
  12. Bsport

    Bsport Well-Known Member

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    I'm with @Gorbles on this one @clopse, as you've just basically said, i paid some money, i want all content for free, forever? because all future content would be covered by "epic battles and epic this and that " and thats what it boils down to doesn't it, but isn't that the very opposite of supporting development? I mean serious how would any company keep the lights on doing that. So you can confuse the issue by talking about concept videos, epic battles, but that doesn't cover the fact you feel entitled to, "Free content, forever"
    Last edited: August 19, 2015
  13. eroticburrito

    eroticburrito Post Master General

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    tunsel11 and Devak like this.
  14. KnavishPlum

    KnavishPlum Active Member

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    I feel these guys are going a little over board, Ubers idea of giving it free to KS backers and at a discount to vanilla owners, like me, was a good one. I just wish it were a little cheaper, like $12 instead of the $13 and something cents. I will buy it any ways. I would only go for this if people who bought vanilla for full price, like me got a $1 or $2 further discount.

    But, I really cannot fight, as I said it is a good deal, and I will be buying it. An Uber employee even checked my laptop specs on a thread, so I know it will work! :D
  15. kalherine

    kalherine Active Member

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    I was +/- the first to buy PA on the very 1 moment when game wasnt even playble. i pay + 90 euros like some others .
    I dont get wy showld we showld have a free DLC Titan copy .
    We or you that help them and belive them on Bakers stage ???'

    This way we will have a 125 euros game that maybe we will play or not....

    Make me think pay + 100 euros just for 1 game whow i must be crasy,or this game its the best game ever made!!!!!!
  16. KnavishPlum

    KnavishPlum Active Member

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    I just want to say that I mean 1 or 2 dollars less then those who got it for 80% off.
  17. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    Steam isn't DRM, you're confusing it with Steamworks.
    Last edited: August 19, 2015
  18. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Oh, how I have missed reading your posts.

    If it makes you feel better I have a 1200 dollar guitar that I barley look at, let alone play.
    cptconundrum and thetrophysystem like this.
  19. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    I too can understand the request of the beta/alpha pre-purchases. Maybe even the cosmic editions (not the $50 galactic or whichever). Honestly, anyone who purchased as preorder-retail, retail, or steam-sale, really should not ask this, the game was more than valuable enough and is cheap as a grand total of the two to keep things fresh for it.

    Maybe they are starting at "free for everyone", and going to try to "haggle" down to "free for preorders". Will be nice to see the rage of the people who were played in supporting the petition just as haggling-goods later after they find out the deal cut them out of freebies for their 20 dollar game and they might have to up it to 30 dollar.
  20. Greendolph

    Greendolph Active Member

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    Nobody made you (or anyone) buy it for that much.
    I've payed less than 50 eur total for my 5 copies of the game (Most of which were gifted to friends) AND Titans and I was able to "play" (aka crash) in beta.
    Quitch likes this.

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