[NOT YET UPDATED!!!!] Galactic Annihilation - Released!

Discussion in 'Mod Discussions' started by stuart98, May 24, 2015.

  1. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    A fair few players seem to be under the impression that there is no working AI.

    If you are seeing this, please stop being a derp and change the AI difficulty setting off of "Idle" and on to "Tries its best but still easy"!
    tesseracta and Nicb1 like this.
  2. Nicb1

    Nicb1 Post Master General

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    I'm thinking would it be possible to put the medium AI as the default to avoid this in the future?

    I know this isn't my mod but the AI naming scheme really bothers me as it gives little indication as to what level the AI will perform to, especially to the average player. Whether or not you find it easy I just wanted to ask if you'd consider changing the naming to something more common. Heck even go Very easy- Easy - Medium If you don't like saying its hard.

    Anyway offtopic I'd provide more feedback but for some reason PA lags in my current windows install and due to certain issues I am prevented from doing a fresh install which I know fixes the issue. Will post a vid about the issue in support and once that's fixed I'll see about providing some proper feedback on my end.
  3. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    The AI will use the previously selected difficulty by default. If the previously selected level is unavailable it will default to idle.
    Nicb1 and stuart98 like this.
  4. Nicb1

    Nicb1 Post Master General

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    Ah was not aware that this was the case.
  5. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    Galactic Annihilation v1.1 released!


    Orbital Warfare Overhaul has been integrated into the mod. This has increased the size of the mod greatly. As a result, the mod is now split into two parts for both client and server side. If you find any bugs related to this, please inform me immediately.

    Thank you @nicb1, @emraldis, and @mgmetal13 for consenting that I include their mod in Galactic Annihilation!

    Full changelog:

    Fixed Twoboots commander so that it can be selected (hopefully?)

    Rate of Fire - 1.5 -> 2.
    Ammo Demand - 15 -> 10.

    Slinger now empties its ammo supply faster and takes longer to fire afterwards.

    Perdition Type Uber Gunship:
    Missile Rate of Fire - 1.5 -> 0.75

    Added new T1 Air Superiority Fighter, The Eagle, using one of ZX0's models. Uses a long ranged beam weapon that can only fire straight ahead, has good health for a fighter, can only attack air.

    Adjusted build.js. All fabbers now occupy slot 18.

    Most missile weapons:
    Turn speed - 75 -> 90.

    Guard Radius - 100 -> 80.
    Missile Turn speed - 60 -> 75.
    Fixed splash damage on machine gun being 8 instead of five.
    Machien Gun RoF - 5 -> 6.

    Damage - 80 -> 60.

    Splash Radius - 1 -> 0.5. Should maybe possibly help reduce the friendly fire.

    Added two new T2 anti-orbital land units.

    Switched out the roles played by Catapult/Umbrella models. Umbrella model is now anti-nuke, catapult model is now anti unit cannon/orbital.

    Anti-nuke is now a beam weapon, meaning that death for the nuke is instantaneous as soon as it enters the Umbrella's range.

    Tactical Missile weapons can once again attack orbital.

    Nerfed Advanced Energy Plant production from 16000 to 12000.

    Advanced Energy Plants can now chain-explode.

    Integrated @dom314's Green Fab Spray mod into GA.

    T1 Radar no longer has orbital vision.

    Moved Orbital and Deepspace Radar to T2.

    Added T1 Orbital Radar.

    T2 Camera:
    Sight - 500 -> 400.
    Orbital Sight - 400 -> 200.

    Fixed a bug where both Sonars were unaffected by low energy.

    Added all of the units from the Orbital Warfare Overhaul Mod sans the Tesla turret.

    Added a new light orbital bombardment vessel from ModX. This unit is affected by the same bug as the vanilla Leviathan on some graphics cards. If it shows up as invisible, that's 'cause your graphics card sux. :)
    Last edited: August 17, 2015
    zx0, epicblaster117, Nicb1 and 2 others like this.
  6. epicblaster117

    epicblaster117 Active Member

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    WOW awesome update, good job Stuart
    stuart98 likes this.
  7. trgman

    trgman New Member

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    Can you guys explain me of every single difficulty that's available in this mod?
  8. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    They're the exact same difficulty levels as are in vanilla, just named approrpriately because anyone who thinks that "Absurd" is absurdly difficult is a nub who needs to lrn2play.
  9. trgman

    trgman New Member

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    Ok, but the AI won't use all type of units (Orbital Warfare, Uber Units, Etc). Anyway i've use all the difficulties that's available.
  10. ekka13

    ekka13 New Member

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    Please update this for PA: TITANS. With the new titan bots this mod will be even more amazing :)
  11. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    I'll get on it ASAP. It will take a while however, believe me.

    I'll end up remaking the mod from scratch most likely. Copying over files from the old mod as needed, but mostly just copyinng stats. Uber's given me oodles of stuff to do and I have very limited time to do it.
    tristanlorius, ekka13 and Nicb1 like this.
  12. barnesaustin

    barnesaustin New Member

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    Hi, im haveing trouble with GA and GA2 mods after the titan update. i cant play any games, and when i try to play multiplayer, i never spawn when the game starts. do you have any idea what could be causing this?
  13. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    I'd be much more suprised if GA was working flawlessly after the Titans update than if it wasn't. Just play the base game for now, it's much better than before. It will take some time for me to remake GA for the Titans update; have patience until I finish it.
  14. tesseracta

    tesseracta Active Member

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    0_0 you should add this to the 1000 cluse you play Planetary Annihilation too much

    *Galactic annihilation :^)
  15. mcgun

    mcgun New Member

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    Hi, I've installed mod recently and can't start any game, multi or single player matches are stuck at generating planets screen. IDK if this is due to newest game patch but pls help.
  16. Nicb1

    Nicb1 Post Master General

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    Stuart really should put this on the main page for the mod, but the mod is not yet updated to work with the latest versions of PA.

    From the looks of it, it make take a while as some file structure stuff has changed in the latest PA patch and he wants to integrate it with the new Titans expansion. This has been brought up in a few of the earlier posts here as well.
    stuart98 likes this.
  17. epicblaster117

    epicblaster117 Active Member

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    Hmmm, Will you be moving this thread into the Titans Mod Section or leave it here, honestly I wish they kept one mod section as having two kinda splits stuff.
  18. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    I'll probably just end up starting a new thread for Galactic Annihilation Titans.
  19. epicblaster117

    epicblaster117 Active Member

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    Hmm seems good, also How far have you gotten in terms of the titans version?, I'm really anxious to see what this mod can do when paired with the latest expansion.
  20. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    Got air completely done, got land about a fourth done. Could get it done faster but I've been playing a ton of AirMech and Zero-K.

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