I can definitely help out with 3DS Max (if the issue still happens there). I just have no idea how to use the Maya UI.
Lol, I feel ya pain, I've been there so many times.. It totally sucks when you save a corrupted model and overwrite the original.
Incremental saves my man I still have the old mesh which works but is 100% transparent. My new one SHOULD be opague.. lets just hope it doesnt explode nvm
Did you triangulate the faces after you went back to an earlier save? Papatrans doesn't handle quads at all, it makes origami out of the model instead.
tbh.. i have no idea whats causing it. its triangulated, no history, everything is on 0,0,0. Normals are correct, it's setup as meters.. im at a complete loss lol.
Right I'm 100% stuck right now lol. I can send you the files and .papa's of the textures if you like. Just tell me how you would like to recieve them. This is how it should look like. The texture is still a WIP but want it in the game first. Still not sure if I want it purple/pink, green or Light Blue. Maybe I should just make them all lol. Also the Tiling of the texture is too low and needs less details for a cleaner look. + some scratches on the edges.
I know you haven't gotten it ingame properly yet, but I just wanted to suggest texture wise that you remove the standard dirt texture and apply a single flat colour to the base instead (for example if its a lava biome crystal then just colour the base flat brown). But yeah when it comes to importing models into PA I tend to use maya for modelling the content then I export it to max which I then use to export to PA and all that. (3ds max is pretty much a requirement at the end stage if you want to avoid problems galore).