Jables 3 questions chat log

Discussion in 'PA: TITANS: General Discussion' started by cola_colin, July 28, 2015.

  1. ace63

    ace63 Post Master General

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    Oh man no sound modding? This is a huge letdown :(
  2. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    Well you can do some things I would assume? Not sure what the limits are, but Iguess it is similar to custom csg?

    Nice work @proeleert . I will update once I am home on monday, mobile devices are a pain to use...
  3. killerkiwijuice

    killerkiwijuice Post Master General

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  4. proeleert

    proeleert Post Master General

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    #1 [MBC]pieman09 : Will the avenger ever be buffed so I can use it against anchors or will there be a t2 avenger to counter anchors?

    jables : tvinita can clarify if I'm wrong, but currently you won't see major balance changes hitting game.
    so I don't think anything is planned for that change

    #2 [RLM]AndreasG : how long will you develop PA untill you drop it? for a sequel or anorther projekt ;)
    jables : We'll keep doing PA as long as we can afford to. We are hoping that is a long time :)

    #3 PRoeleert : what feature would you add when time, money and technical issues weren't an issue?

    jables : so personally, i'd add Chat to the game
    team wise, the answer would probably be a full scripted campaign, which is awesome, but expensive :(

    #BONUS tommybananas : the performance improvments since well alpha ect have been insane tbh. Do you see there as being much more you can streamline / rewrite for more units ect :)

    jables : we actually can still pull some fairly major perf increases.. but we never honestly know how much of an increase it'll be until it's in
    which is why you see so many go in with every update
    we do all we can hoping they will be huge hehe :p
    I don't think we've hit max.. there's still lots of gains we can get here and there

    See you next monday in pachat
    xanoxis, mdi22, Remy561 and 3 others like this.
  5. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    xanoxis and proeleert like this.
  6. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    added in the newest stuff
    ArchieBuld, Remy561, ace63 and 2 others like this.
  7. Remy561

    Remy561 Post Master General

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    Gamemode it is then!
    ArchieBuld likes this.
  8. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    My vote is for the reveal of a countdown leading to a website relaunch!
    tunsel11 and forrestthewoods like this.
  9. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    logged questions of the 11th august
    Remy561, Quitch and xanoxis like this.
  10. Going4Quests

    Going4Quests Active Member

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    Where can we ask questions? Been a while ago I was last active due to vacation. :)
  11. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    read the start of the OP ;)
  12. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    Do you have data that supports this? I have data that really doesn't.

    1. There are still a large number of posts in the steam forums, reddit, etc that complain about PA being a spam game.
    2. What the newer players really care about is superweapons; as long as they have them in some form, they're content.
    3. I haven't been seeing complaints from people in Galactic Annihilation games (As a message to forumers: If you host or are in a GA game and players state some feedback, please, tell me about it!) yet, as anyone who's played it knows, GA changes literally everything.

    Additionally there's the consideration that you already upset the meta more with the July 31st update than we'd like you to do now.

    What we really want is to make Asteroids a bit harder to get. This could be done by, say, increasing the halley cost to 20k.
  13. mered4

    mered4 Post Master General

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    Stuart you need to realize you are only speaking of yourself and the small group of people you speak with on a regular basis. Jables can see the big picture.
  14. reptarking

    reptarking Post Master General

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    I'd like to call gg.
    DeathByDenim, xanoxis and dom314 like this.
  15. websterx01

    websterx01 Post Master General

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    I'd like to mention that it's the number 1 reason that I do not play PA currently. After air spam I've never taken the time to relearn the game, though I did play some GW until I encountered a big that caused me to not be credited a victory. (Already been fixed)
    mered4 and stuart98 like this.
  16. reptarking

    reptarking Post Master General

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    Air spam no longer works. Easy countered
    xanoxis likes this.
  17. Going4Quests

    Going4Quests Active Member

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  18. mered4

    mered4 Post Master General

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    Unless your name is *Scathis* and you are a networked computer program.
  19. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    logged 12th august
    stuart98, Quitch and Remy561 like this.
  20. wondible

    wondible Post Master General

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    Someone said today's scrolled off, so I recorded them just in case.

    Q1) nixtempestas: any news on an in game mod manager
    jables: nothing official. I'd like to get something in eventually, but lower on the list due to making sure we are not "officially endorsing" mods, as that can get us in trouble since we really have no control on them, and no resources to really moderate it.
    nixtempestas: is a "use at own risk" disclaimer not enough legal protection?
    jables: not really if it's on the main menu or something that makes it look like we did it. most people skip that and just see it in game and think it's official. so we have to be careful on it
    nixtempestas: fair enough
    jables: buuuut i'd like to do it eventually.. just can't say for sure it'll happen

    Q2a) wondible: I realized that lots of mods have derivitive works from units, models, and code. What, technically, are the licensing terms?
    jables: wondible i won't make that #2 as i have no freaking clue.. those were all put in terms before i started :) I'm sure there's something somewhere.. and we aren't chasing anyone down unless it's actually hurting us. but it's buried in copyright, which I do not deal with

    Q2b) wondible: Will you ever actually have the fight for the tank name?
    jables: #2 - we've tried to do it a few times and one side or other was busy with a release or school :( at this point no idea if it'll ever happen.. it's been so long

    Q3) nixtempestas: well, since no one else seems to have one, a not so serious one: Are there any practical jokers in the office?
    jables: #3 - no actual jokers, but the team has fun. lots of puns, lots of joking. Most of us have worked together for years off and on, so we've been friends a while

    Q4) [BRN]Carl_Johnson: jables are you a programmer
    jables: bonus question Carl. nope, production.

    11:18:22 nixtempestas any news on an in game mod manager
    11:18:33 jables nix #1
    11:19:38 jables nothing official. I'd like to get something in eventually, but lower on the list due to making sure we are not "officially endorsing" mods, as that can get us in trouble since we really have no control on them, and no resources to really moderate it.
    11:20:26 nixtempestas is a "use at own risk" disclaimer not enough legal protection?
    11:21:04 jables not really if it's on the main menu or something that makes it look like we did it
    11:21:13 jables most people skip that and just see it in game and think it's official
    11:21:18 jables so we have to be careful on it
    11:21:26 nixtempestas fair enough
    11:21:35 jables buuuut i'd like to do it eventually.. just can't say for sure it'll happen
    11:21:59 jables 2 to go~
    11:22:03 nixtempestas I will wait then with my usual patience :)
    11:22:41 wondible I realized that lots of mods have derivitive works from units, models, and code. What, technically, are the licensing terms?
    11:23:43 [BRN]Carl_Johnson looks like they are not licenced much wondible
    11:23:59 [BRN]Alpha2546 I just want see some artwork from Jables :P
    11:24:28 Bsport jables is alittle like a genie, you get 3 wishes, but how can you make a wish no sound like a wish
    11:24:45 jables wondible i won't make that #2 as i have no freaking clue.. those were all put in terms before i started :)
    11:24:45 wondible Empirically it's pretty open, but I wondered If I should be including a proper notice for that content.
    11:25:19 jables i'm sure there's something somewhere.. and we aren't chasing anyone down unless it's actually hurting us
    11:25:33 jables but it's buried in copyright, which I do not deal with
    11:25:42 mikeyh you might want to add a standard header to all your files
    11:25:43 Cola_Colin unless you changed it from the time there was that thread
    11:25:53 Cola_Colin the terms are officially "YOu are not allowed to mod this" :D
    11:26:49 jables so still 2 to go :) since i have no knowledge on that last one haha
    11:26:53 wondible Okay, I was checking terms on other mods, an I realized we are all using Uber stuff in the same way.
    11:27:03 nixtempestas any mod I make can be defended on the grounds: this is not a mod, it's a hack
    11:27:05 Cola_Colin just copy it and hope they won't sue us?
    11:27:12 jables legally we have to say that stuff i'd assume
    11:27:20 jables again though.. i'm not legal, so grain of salt
    11:29:08 Cola_Colin I am trying to move towards putting a "all files I wrote myself are released into public domain, other files stay under whatever licenes they had" thing into my mods.
    11:30:49 nixtempestas I've never really thought about licencing before, almost everything I write is for university or personal use
    11:31:18 [BRN]Carl_Johnson i guess uber would not sue mod makers
    11:31:33 [BRN]Carl_Johnson that would not be sensible
    11:31:39 nixtempestas would kinda kill the mod making community
    11:31:57 [BRN]Carl_Johnson exactly
    11:32:18 wondible Just wanted to be put "Uber stuff used under blahblahblah" if there was such a thing.
    11:33:05 [BRN]Carl_Johnson one of the things that make pc master race better than, is we have epic games and mods
    11:33:53 [BRN]Carl_Johnson i was gonna type better than consoles omg im playing poker atm sorry
    11:34:38 wondible Will you ever actually have the fight for the tank name?
    11:34:50 nixtempestas well, since no one else seems to have one, a not so serious one: Are there any practical jokers in the office?
    11:34:57 jables wondible #2
    11:34:59 jables nix #3
    11:35:22 jables #2 - we've tried to do it a few times and one side or other was busy with a release or school :(
    11:35:45 jables at this point no idea if it'll ever happen.. it's been so long
    11:35:54 wondible Ah, well more movement than I thought.
    11:35:59 nixtempestas roll it into the reward for the mystery mayhem?
    11:36:15 [BRN]Carl_Johnson jables are you a programmer
    11:36:15 nixtempestas with marshell breating down the neck of the winner?
    11:36:33 nixtempestas breathing*
    11:36:44 jables #3 - no actual jokers, but the team has fun. lots of puns, lots of joking. Most of us have worked together for years off and on, so we've been friends a while
    11:36:59 jables bonus question Carl
    11:37:07 jables nope, production.
    11:37:27 [DOPE]adamcharman is the 2v2 tourney a possibility still?
    11:37:43 mikeyh probably october
    11:37:51 [DOPE]adamcharman sweet :)
    11:38:02 mikeyh not confirmed
    11:38:10 mikeyh we have another 1v1 planned for septemeber
    11:38:16 jables mikey promise! date confirmed!
    11:38:25 [DOPE]adamcharman dates not important but you have said it seems possible
    11:38:26 mikeyh ;-)
    proeleert, andreasgg, Quitch and 8 others like this.

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