Also if you importing a unit from blender to 3ds max make sure that you sent your units to automatic in the import settings.
@KillerKiwiJuice if your having scale issues withe the 3ds units make sure your "system unit setup" is in meters, not just "your display unit scale". This is what you do NOT want.
@mgmetal13 any chance you could put this into a video tutorial and make it more noob proof ? I just got Blender 2 days ago and that was my first modeling experience I'm running a trial of 3DS max 2016 and trying to follow the steps you described but I can't find a bunch of the menu options you use, I need to see where you click. What I'm doing should be kinda basic but I can't find my way around 3DS max. I imported the .papa models from a combat fabber and the AA turret into Blender, removed the AA part and put the nanolathe from the bot on the turret base, left the bones from the AA turret untouched, removed the combat fabs bones, and exported this to .fbx Imported that .fbx into 3DS max and am stuck at step 1 where I can't find an option for "editable poly"
Hi, How can I get my object smaller? the game is always the same object. whether or not I skalliere. I have turned everything meters. in german: wie bekomme ich mein objekt kleiner? im spiel ist das object immer gleich groß. egal ob ich skalliere oder nicht. ich habe auch alles auf meter gestellt.
What step are you struggling with? For now I've only executed the rigging and skinning part since texturing is a whole different story and not needed to put in game (I think?). Worked out pretty well. I am struggling with putting weight on the bone root though. I don't see it in the list. Also where do I run the script and if so where is its output? Can't find it. I think by just rescaling the model? Not sure though.
From ReScale PA: You need to scale down the model and the animation as well as all relevant properties in the spec file.
I've played around but can not. One can but also in the editor but can resize. I'm just a mistake. in german. Ich habe rumprobiert geht aber nicht. Man kann doch auch im editor doch die größe ändern können. ich mache nur einen fehler.
If I get around to it, and if enough people really want another video tutorial, I might make one after I finish the faction mod OR I'm really bored one day. The only thing I will not go over is texturing because that's included in this tutorial and I've never had fun texturing anything.
I think there needs to be a .papa Importer/exporter for 3DS Max in general. Would eliminate the need for blender all together.