Hello everyone! I'm currently recruiting for our young but fast growing clan of PA. It's nothing too serious but it would be funny to try some well organized big battles. No skills required. No specific timezone required. We speak English. If you would like to know more please contact me on steam: cris0ver (yes this is a "zero"). See you.
Hi man, welcome to the forums! Nice to see a new clan forming, whats your tag? I'm sure we could arrange some team games with Promethean (with a bit of notice I think I could drag them all out of hiding haha). You may also want to approach @cwarner7264 to arrange games with The Realm and also @Alpha2546 for Team Burning. Also feel free to add me in game "(P)cdrlf"
Hey! Thank you. We're working for a name in a temporary group on steam, we'll find one soon, I think. We'll certainly consider the idea of playing with you guys. And I sent you a request in game, hope we'll play together one day. Bye
Hello everyone! I'm happy to tell you we found a name and we created a group. We'll be playing very soon! Remember to contact me on steam, so I'll be able to send you an invite. Thank you!