[WIP][Client] More Pew Pew - Requesting Opinions

Discussion in 'Work-In-Progress Mods' started by dom314, June 12, 2015.

  1. dom314

    dom314 Post Master General

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    I fiddled around a bit more and discovered that having the t2 laser green made it pretty much impossible to see the difference between the static defense and the t1 tank. I actually changed the projectile color towards yellow so that they were distinguishable.

    In my opinion it actually still looks nice and goes with the other projectile colors too....just give me a moment to create another video so you can see what I mean.

    EDIT: Upon making the video, I kinda see what you mean. The yellow is a little yeahno. Anyway, here is a video:

    Perhaps if I make the laser an orangy color? That would still indicate more strength and it won't be hard to distinguish between it and green bolo bullets.
    Slightly MORE yellow by accident:

    I like it better than version 2.
    A tinge more orange:

    Might be my favourite.
    Last edited: June 19, 2015
    ace63 and cdrkf like this.
  2. dom314

    dom314 Post Master General

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    WIP version released on PAMM. Still need to make an icon for it - currently using the heart ping one xD.

    planktum, proeleert and ace63 like this.
  3. Alpha2546

    Alpha2546 Post Master General

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    I was thinking about different colour usage too but I noticed not all colours work as something lasery. In your case I like the tinge more orange one (your favorite too).

    What colours do you think work really well? I'm still doubting about green and pink.

    I think it would be better if you could use the beam emitter for the fixed turrets. That would look way cooler I think with some sleeker lines then sniperbots (since range is smaller). Not sure if this is possible without creating it like a server mod.
    MrTBSC and dom314 like this.
  4. dom314

    dom314 Post Master General

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    I agree about the beam weapons looking slicker, but that is not possible to use because a beam effect only gets an endpoint if the entity that spawns it is a beam weapon. Something to note, the trails looks a bit longer and slicker when the fps is higher. Doing recording drops it a bit and makes the trail seem shorter in the vid than they are to me.
  5. planktum

    planktum Post Master General

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    Standing ovation! This man has mad modding skills, absolutely love it!!!!
    Last edited: June 20, 2015
    Alpha2546 and dom314 like this.
  6. planktum

    planktum Post Master General

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    Uber are extremely lucky they added modding support to PA. Otherwise we would be stuck with the bland vanilla effects. I don't understand how a single modder can make all these effects by himself in a relatively short time. It makes me wonder how many people at Uber are actually still working on the game.
    ace63 likes this.
  7. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    nice beamtowereffects, think i would go with the last version that is more orange aswell

    "Uber are extremely lucky they added modding support to PA."
    luck has nothing to do with it, they said the game will be moddable from the get go ... it is rather to the willingness and curiosity of people to try to mod the game who realy like it ...

    "It makes me wonder how many people at Uber are actually still working on the game."
    compared to before not many, and that has been said aswell ... doesn´t mean the game is abandoned as jables constantly remembers people ... and again effects are low priority ...
    cwarner7264 and dom314 like this.
  8. dom314

    dom314 Post Master General

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    Thank you for the compliments, I really appreciate it!
    To address your question, I think a single modder can create effects such as these in large part by deviating completely from the base style of PA.

    What I am saying is, I've had a dig around with the effects which really let me appreciate the work Uber has done. And more importantly I think their effects uphold their envisioned style quite well.

    Still though, I take your preference for these effects as a huge compliment and I really appreciate it! It indicates to me that I am on the right track with developing an alternative feel for the effects. If you have other comments or ideas as well, they are most welcome :).
    planktum and MrTBSC like this.
  9. planktum

    planktum Post Master General

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    Any chance you could add each of the different weapon effects as separate mods? That way we can pick and choose which ones we like. For example I'm not a big fan of the Dox and Kestrel weapon effect.
    dom314 likes this.
  10. dom314

    dom314 Post Master General

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    I could, actually won't be too hard. I would however like to finalise all the effects before I split it up. What don't you like about the dox and kestrel effects?
    planktum likes this.
  11. planktum

    planktum Post Master General

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    I would prefer them to shoot plasma balls, not lasers. No tails.
    dom314 likes this.
  12. dom314

    dom314 Post Master General

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    Cool, I agree that could look nice. I will give it a try. I need to make something similar for the commanders anyway :)
    planktum likes this.
  13. rivii

    rivii Well-Known Member

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    I havent read all this thread but here is my feedback after testing it against some AI

    What I LOVE:
    Grenadier <3 <3 <3
    Leveler <3 <3 <3

    What I dislike

    The reason I dislike them is because it seems they fire peanut instead of a meter wide shells. The explosion is very small. Also I dislike the fact that they arent as glowy als the rest of the particles you made. The Blue and White trail from the Leviatan is also a bit iffy, Make it either white or Blue so you create a more visual appearing which is easier to recognize.

    In my perfect world I would like to see the explosions from Awesome projectiles (i think its that one) combined with this. The explosions bring a bit of BANG with them that More Pew Pew is missing atm :)
    dom314 and cdrkf like this.
  14. dom314

    dom314 Post Master General

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    Thanks a lot for the feedback. I already had the Holkins on the list of things to rework, but I could certainly add the leviathan to that list to :).
  15. planktum

    planktum Post Master General

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    Please don't combine this mod with Cplosion! I'm not a fan of the Cplosion mod. As I've stated before I would prefer each visual FX mod to be uploaded separately so that we can pick and choose. A good example of this is the PA-FX mod which in my eyes is just way too much, but if I could pick and choose a couple of effects from PA-FX then that would be cool.
  16. planktum

    planktum Post Master General

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    If you could add the Slammer to the same list as the Dox and Kestrel that would be awesome. I think these high fire rate units would look better without long tails on the weapon effects. I guess what I'm looking for is something similar to the PEEWEE in Total Annihilation.
  17. dom314

    dom314 Post Master General

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    Hi Planktum, I've played around with the effect, and have found something I am actually happy with. The problem with using just a dot is that it becomes hard for a human to correlate the positions of particles as motion. Instead the particles seem to teleport. I've solved this problem by still having a dot which is quite visible, and then adding a little bit of a tail that is smaller and less visible by comparison.

    The result I feel is that we have a particle which feels like a ball in motion, but has a little bit of a tail so that you can sense continuous motion.

    Looking at this video, I could probably shorten the doxen's tail a bit. What do you think?
    rivii, cdrkf and planktum like this.
  18. planktum

    planktum Post Master General

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    Perfect! :)
  19. dom314

    dom314 Post Master General

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    So dox trail a bit shorter or is it okay as is?
  20. planktum

    planktum Post Master General

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    I would like to see what it looks like with shorter tails, but only if it's not too much hassle?

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