because if they do. i will suggesting buff type unit, who can give buff (duh). or shield and clocky bot. so assaulting enemy planets will be easy, and open chance for bot factory. (i always never use T2 bot units)
What do you mean by buff? ^ Fairly obvious question you probably would have covered in the original post if you engaged in state provided education.
The bluehawk can really take out the anchors. But the anchors get longer range than the one of the bluehawks. The simply solution is mix bluehawks with other units and rush under the anchors. Let other units absorb the damage, and the bluehawks can get enough time to do their jobs.
wattttttttttttttttttttt. i just know that D: blue anyway buff i mean is attack buff range buff.... sort of
I'm guessing you mean like a "captain" unit that "inspires" other units nearby and gives them bonus damage or something like that... I really think that there should be some more interesting orbital units, I know they're supposed to be more "supportive" but the only orbital-to-land unit is the SXX, there should be some kind of orbital bomber, which would increase the usage of the bluehawk...
Lucky you, this mechanic is already in the game. Take the Gil-E ( It's vision range is shorter than it's attack range, if you add a unit with larger vision (like a radar, a skitter or other units in front of it) to it it will get a buff. Personally I would like to see this kind of mechanic more pronounced: For example, make the vision of the Gil-E less then the attack radius of a tank, so Gil-Es alone can not handle tank blobs.