Just finished watching the Bethesda conference. HOLE. E. FAK. I am VERY impressed with Bethessda. They've made some bold additions and I really think it will be the best Fallout yet. Also Doom finishers are hilarious:
I really hope the Pipboy app is done well. The 3DS is my favorite console right now partially because of how my favorite games use that touchscreen. I would LOVE to see PC gaming enter into that(well). If they do it right I could see other companies hopping on the bandwagon. If not... I still have my 3DS.
I'm a little worried. Skills seem to be removed from Fallout 4. There is no skills nor general menu tab. There was some hope in the fact there is a bobble head for bartering, but that may just be similar to a perk. Like 10% lower prices. But then we find this. Science levels, possibly similar to lock pick levels or something different entirely? With all these findings it seems skills have been integrated into the perk system; there is no more 1 - 100 but instead there are levels. So a perk at level up would increase your science skill by levels each level up if you selected it. Similar to how some perks had levels in FO NV or how in 3 there were perks that increased skills by 10 in increments for like 5 times.
The Cuphead art style is amazing, their achievement of classic, 50's color scheme is outstanding. They even added chromatic aberration to the style!