"Orbital Fabrication Bot" should only build orbital units.

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by easybox, June 16, 2015.

  1. easybox

    easybox Member

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    "Teleporter" should be removed from "Orbital Fabrication Bot" build menue. What do you think about?
  2. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    Was a hacky thing back before Unit Cannon existed. Is no need for it now, just build adv fabber with unit cannon and build tele with that in a way that makes sense rather than raining mana metal from the heavens nonsensically.
    ace63 and igncom1 like this.
  3. knub23

    knub23 Active Member

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    Until the unit cannon is finished, the planet is secured. What do you do against someone who is first on a planet and has some T1 air factories? You can't invade with astreus and build the teleporter if he pays attention. And until you have your unit cannon, he has a huge advantage (even if he just builds metal, which you can't raid.

    Clearly against it, as it would lead to hour long games with easy mid-game planet turtling.
    bengeocth, nateious, MrTBSC and 2 others like this.
  4. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    It would suck. Source: it sucked.
    bengeocth, devoh, nateious and 2 others like this.
  5. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    Pre-unit cannon.
  6. perfectdark

    perfectdark Active Member

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    If you're bothering to make a whole new thread for a topic why don't you at least have the common courtesy to give your reasons as to why such a change would be of benefit.
    meir22344, killerkiwijuice and veep like this.
  7. easybox

    easybox Member

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    Ahh, sorry for my bad english.
    Look, an orbital unit builds structure over 1000 km range. It looks disturbing to me. I dont know about the balance, it is just a suggestion.There should be a drop pod that converts into teleporter or defence turret for securing the area, but not in that way. If so, "Orbital Fabrication Bot" could build "Bot Factory" and other stuff - why only "Teleporter"?
    Last edited: June 17, 2015
    ArchieBuld and s03g like this.
  8. perfectdark

    perfectdark Active Member

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    I admit it is strange, but its also strange that the unit cannon only builds certain units too. The fact that it looks strange doesn't really come into it, you would have to argue from a gameplay perspective if you wish for anyone to listen.
  9. crizmess

    crizmess Well-Known Member

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    Why can a bot fabber only build T2 bot factories and not T2 tank factories? Or better, why can the build arm of the commander only build T1 factories?
    Those build restrictions (there are other restrictions - some are more obvious, some are hidden - like there is no button to kill the opposing commander immediately, instead you have to do this time eating thing with building bolos ants and other stuff to kill it... pretty inconvenient in comparison to an insta-kill-button) are there to guide gameplay in a way Uber envisioned it.
    There are usually several layers of discussion when it comes to gameplay. The one we are talking about here is believability (or for people loving Latin words: immersion). I find it hard to argue about believability, because it is highly subjective. As a rule of thumb I always look if a game mechanic is consistent with all the other existing game mechanics. And yes, under this point of view the orbital fabber looks a bit odd (for example, all fabbers can build the factories they were build in, except - guess what) but my guess it that Uber decided to stray away from consistency because it would break the envisioned gameplay to much.
  10. s03g

    s03g Member

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    I agree completely to the above and it is with this reason that in the mod that I've been creating (Fun mod) this has been excluded. The AI has also lost access to the teleporter via orbital fabrication bots. It is a complete overhaul of the balance although if there is enough demand then I may release the change in another mod. I've yet to update the page of all of the changes but here it is if anyone would like a read: https://forums.uberent.com/threads/wip-server-fun-mod.68226/
    easybox likes this.
  11. easybox

    easybox Member

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    I guess Ueber will change that sooner or later (there's not even an animation for "Teleporter" construction). My wish "Orbital Construction Bot" would get ability to land, becomes stationary and should be able to build a "Teleporter" , "Engineering Station" and a "Shield" that works certain amount of time. I bought that game in early alpha but waited for release so I dont have much experience with balance as alpha-veterans and suppose now its a early-game/low-budget invasion ability before you get "Unit Cannon". What is about "Asteaeus" - the orbital lander (someone uses it?).
    Last edited: June 18, 2015
  12. easybox

    easybox Member

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    But beware: I'm an "Total Annihilation" fan and that game is just a Bingo! I'm not sure about shields.
  13. s03g

    s03g Member

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    I guess that would be useful but maybe it would add a bit more complication to the game maybe. I like the idea of building the teleporter into a box if you will and then launch it to the other planets such as from the unit cannon. Admittedly I'm a SC: FA fan and I like the idea of shields but they don't suit this game I feel as it's much more about the destruction of the units\base\s.
  14. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    no, actualy i rather would like even more teleporter options such as a naval and orbital one ... being able to build teleporters from orbit is a way for when your enemy already managed to cover his planet with decent air defence to quickly kill fabricators on surface ..
    invading planets is already difficult mid to lategame .. lets not make even more difficult
    Last edited: June 18, 2015
    meir22344 likes this.
  15. s03g

    s03g Member

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    This is already possible as I've already looked into it. Trouble is the teleporter has to be made wider for it to be useful. The other problem is that both teleporters have to be identified separately so that the land variant doesn't overlap with the orbital version and vice versa.

    Something like this and then an orbital unit that rains missiles to air or land units would be interesting, I don't know where I may have got that idea from lol. I feel that @easybox was talking about the land teleporter being removed from the orbital fabricator as it doesn't make too much sense for it to do it now that we have the unit cannon.
  16. pjkon1

    pjkon1 Member

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    Give the Astreus AA, or leave the teleporter as is. There needs to be a way of invading planets at t1. Either its Astreuses with flack guns or similar, or its teleporters. The alternative is massive turtleing.

    That said, the teleporter construction is possibly the least elegant solution to this problem (though certainly an easy one from a technical perspective and a way to avoid use of precious development resources).
  17. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    I like the teleporter invasion, it makes for an exciting beachhead moment where the defender rushes to destroy it, while the attacker tries to get a critical mass of units necessary to hold it.

    It hasn't stopped boring planetary turtle fests from happening, but it has pushed back the point where it occurs. And in a well designed system they can generally be avoided.
    nateious likes this.
  18. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    if it wouldn´t then there would be, no reason at all to have it build anything but function as pure unitlauncher/transporter and not its own factory .. you may as well just launch infernos or vanguards into an enemies base instead of squishy slammers ..
  19. perfectdark

    perfectdark Active Member

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    Yes that would make sense. The unit launcher could then just build the pods at great cost to the user, perhaps the same cost as the unit being launched.
  20. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    .... ehhhhhhh ... not a fan of that ... i mean your are already building the units ... spending the metal for them ...
    i rather say add a energycost so people don´t go too spammy with unitcannons but have to build more power to compensate ... the less power the slower a unit gets prepared for a launch ... so it can heavily delay when to start a unitcannon invasion ..

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