The replays in the leaderboards need to display the starting rank of each player so you can tell which ones are actually worth watching. It would also be nice if the table displayed the map, length of match, and other details. Also, it would be helpful if both ranked matches and replays would show the before and after rank of each player in the game ending screen.
"worth watching" is very hard to define. Tread with caution with this kind of thing - there's a reason MOBAs (intensely competitive games) are starting to obscure that kind of information from the players - it creates an elitist toxic atmosphere whereby only people with big numbers are apparently worth listening to. Do you have a point? Yes. Is your solution the best way to go about it? Probably not.
you seeing a plat v plat match going on doesn´t make it "worth-to-watch"-able proove i don´t disaggree though with giving more information on a replay before starting it
Yeah, that would be fine. I just want to know that they're somewhat closely-matched. While it's fun watching a professional boxer beat up a toddler, I don't want to see it all the time.